Speaker: Eric Ludy
Show: Bravehearted Truths
Mini-Series: Jehovah in Human Skin: a study in the God-ness of Jesus Christ
Most Christians agree that Jesus is amazing. But few Christians today realize just HOW amazing He truly is.
For Jesus is more than just a great man, an exemplary prophet, a dazzling healer, and a truly remarkable man of love and kindness. He WAS and IS all those things. But He is something far greater.
He WAS and IS God.
His beginnings were not in the womb of His mother, Mary. No. He is from before that womb. In fact, according to the Scriptures it was Jesus that created all things.
Christianity is in desperate need of a return to the almighty divinity of Jesus Christ. It is our desire that this message will exhort unto that end.
Part 1: Jehovah in Human Skin
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