a study in the dogged certainty and assurance of the Christian
Sunday, April 11, 2021
It would seem that Christianity has gone milk-toast. It’s soggy in the very places it should be stout, and it is timid in the very sectors of culture that it must be bold.
So many modern Christians have not been constructed for trials and tribulations and, as a result, their unsteady and uncertain foundations are beginning to show in this hour of testing. But God has a remedy for this. His Holy Spirit was given to the Church to bring a deep soul-level certainty of faith that removes all milk-toast behavior and, instead, builds in a rousing courage and bold conviction.
In an age of shrinking wafflers, we need the return of bravehearted confessors. For this to happen, we need to unabashedly live out and shout out the Truth of God’s Word. We must step out of our spiritual diapers, spit out our pacifiers, set down our sippy cups, and start behaving as the grown up Church of Jesus Christ.

Monday, April 12, 2021
The Mechanics of Cowardice // In an Age of Shrinking Wafflers – Part 1 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This particular episode explores the propensity towards spiritual timidity (that we as humans all mutually share) and how we must swap it out for the boldness of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
The Mechanics of Courage // In an Age of Shrinking Wafflers – Part 2 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Dan McConnaughey)
This particular episode dives into the make-up of spiritual courage. Men can be bold as lions in many theaters of life that pose great risk to life and limb — so, why is it that these same men don’t always have the same boldness when it comes to spiritual matters? It’s because the boldness of the Holy Spirit is not sourced from the grit and determination of a man’s soul, but from the Throne Room of Grace.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
The Mechanics of Confession // In an Age of Shrinking Wafflers – Part 3 of 5 (Nathan Johnson & Philip H)
This particular episode breaks down the unique concept of “confession” and how it is intended to work in our lives as believers. There are two distinct kinds of confessions. 1) confession of sin, and 2) confession of faith. When both of these are functional and active within the believer’s life — there is great health.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
The Mechanics of Certainty // In an Age of Shrinking Wafflers – Part 4 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This particular episode discusses the concept of “full assurance”. A believer in Christ is intended to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are indeed eternally saved through the Cross-work of Christ. There should’t be a lingering question, a doubt, or a concern. But, if it is true that certainty is possible, why is it that so few today have that great certainty in their souls?
Friday, April 16, 2021
The Mechanics of Callousness // In an Age of Shrinking Wafflers – Part 5 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson))
This particular episode talks about “callouses” from two differing angles — the bad kind of callousness, and the good kind. It’s critical that we shun the bad kind from building within our souls and that we see the right kind of callousness constructed with diligence and great intentionality in our inner man.