Self-control is an interesting term in the Christian life. It is listed in the fruits of the Spirit … so is it something we do or something God does in us? In this discussion, Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson answer the question why self-control is essential in the Christian life, and what it looks like to have it.
569: What is the often overlooked secret to prayer?
We know prayer is important, but too many Christians overlook this “secret” in their praying. Join Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson in a discussion talking about what the often overlooked secret to prayer is.
568: Juxtaposed (Eric Ludy)
There were likely many many trees in the Garden of Eden, but God zooms in and focuses on two very specific ones — the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Why is that? Eric unpacks this mystery and demonstrates how the entire idea of Biblical faith can be understood in and through the lesson of these two trees.
567: How can I stand firm in a time of hostility?
Throughout Christian history, there has been a biblical truth which enabled the heroes of old to stand firm in times of great hostility (even their own deaths). Their secret? Patience. In this timely discussion, Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson talk about what true patience is biblically and how it will enable you to stand firm in times of great trial and difficulty.
The Buckhorn Dance
I have three daughters. All three of them beautiful, BEAUTIFUL girls. And I don’t think there is any topic able…
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563: Which Cologne Do You Wear? (Eric Ludy)
This is part one of Eric Ludy’s four-part series on faith entitled Deciding Between the Two. Using Mary of Bethany and her bewildering breaking open of the costly spikenard as the muse, Eric dives into the mechanics and make-up of biblical faith — how it works in concept and how God intends to have it work in us.
562: How do we use media to reach the world with the Gospel? (a special interview with Rich Garnaat)
Rich Garnaat is the executive producer of Pilgrim, a musical theatre adaptation of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. And in this special interview, Eric Ludy talks with Rich about the musical and how we in the Church can use media to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.