Becoming Brave
Stunning Composure While Staring at a World Crisis
2022 Daily Thunder Series by Eric Ludy
Click on a part below to get started:
Tactics for the Brave Soul (March 20, 2022)
This is the very first episode in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series that explores the mechanical construct of spiritual and moral bravery. This initial episode is a bonus episode that Eric delivered on a Sunday morning outside of his normal Daily Thunder rhythm. It enunciates the biblical foundation for living with heavenly courage in a world gone wrong.
Sprinting Toward Danger – with Leslie Ludy (March 25, 2022)
This is installment 2.5 in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series. Leslie Ludy is a special guest in this episode sharing Biblical and historical stories about the power of sprinting toward danger instead of retreating from it. When Christians become proactive instead of reactive in their faith the kingdom of God is built. As our world is quickly growing more and more hostile toward truth, each of us must decide which kind of Christian we are going to be.
Getting Bomb-Blast Friendly (April 4, 2022)
This is the fourth installment in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series, entitled Becoming Brave, which explores the mechanical construct of spiritual and moral bravery. This particular message explores the indomitable faith available to each and every believer in Christ. Few Christians today walk with a fortified mentality — a clear confidence that it is God and NOT the Devil that has sovereign power over their lives.
Becoming a Spiritual Athlete (Leslie Ludy)
This is installment 4.5 in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series entitled, Becoming Brave. In this episode, Leslie Ludy is the special guest and she examines the spiritual athleticism of missionary, Gladys Aylward. Aylward’s childlike faith in God seemed illogical and impractical to many. But because she dared to trust Him and take Him at His Word, she lived one of the most conquering, victorious lives this world has ever seen. This episode proves that to impact this world for eternity, we don’t need a long list of human qualifications. We simply need an immovable, unshakable, rock-solid faith in our amazing God.
Getting Swagger-Ready
This is the fifth installment in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series, entitled Becoming Brave, which explores the mechanical construct of spiritual and moral bravery. This particular message calls for the return of the “swagger” to the ranks of today’s Christians. This “swagger” seems to have gone missing — and the Church desperately needs it back.
Courageous Endurance (with Leslie Ludy)
This is installment 5.5 in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series entitled, Becoming Brave. In this episode, Leslie Ludy is the special guest and she highlights truths gleaned from the life of Amy Carmichael – a missionary to India who dedicated her life to rescuing vulnerable children. Amy’s life proves that whether in the midst of action or helpless on a sickbed, the enabling grace of God can equip us to courageously endure difficulty with triumph and hope.
Getting Purity Empowered (April 18, 2022)
This is the sixth installment in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series, entitled Becoming Brave, which explores the mechanical construct of spiritual and moral bravery. This particular message introduces the unique role purity plays into the brave life. A soiled soul lacks confidence in Kingdom matters, whereas a humble repentant soul will not flinch before the battle.
A Bold and Proactive Gospelteer (with Leslie Ludy) – April 22, 2022
In this episode Leslie highlights powerful spiritual principles demonstrated in the life of Catherine Booth, co-founder of the Salvation Army. Catherine battled many challenges including lifelong health problems, but she never lost her bold determination to aggressively win souls for the Kingdom of God. Her life demonstrates what it means to be more than a conqueror in Christ and to never lose our spiritual fervor, by God’s enabling grace.
Getting Lion-Eager (April 25, 2022)
This is the seventh installment in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series, entitled Becoming Brave, which explores the mechanical construct of spiritual and moral bravery. This particular message explores the powerfully transformative perspective that Christians are meant to have in their most challenging moments. The believer in Christ must know that the darkest hour on earth is the greatest opportunity for the Light.
In this episode Leslie discusses the extraordinary life of Hudson Taylor. Taylor is known as the “father of modern missions”. He faced incredible danger and hardship in his lifetime of pioneer missionary work to bring the Gospel to China, and yet he was able to handle tremendous pressure because of his constant and total dependence upon Jesus Christ. In today’s uncertain world we can glean invaluable spiritual truths from Hudson’s example of gaining courage and boldness through implicit trust in His faithful God.
Getting Strategically-Clever (May 2, 2022)
This is the eighth installment in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series, entitled Becoming Brave, which explores the mechanical construct of spiritual and moral bravery. This particular message unpacks the idea of spiritual strategy. As believers, we are engaged in a heavenly war, and to win it, heavenly cunning is required. And with God-born strategy comes God-born bravery.
A Courageously Poured-Out Life (with Leslie Ludy)
In this episode Leslie unpacks the faith-filled life of George Müller and explains how we as believers are called to embrace a sacrificial, courageous, poured-out missionary-mindset no matter where God has placed us. This means being willing to “go” if God asks you to go, but it also means being willing to “stay” if God asks you to stay – not to protect your own comforts, but to pour your life out for those in your own culture. This is what we see in the life of George Müller, who eternally changed the lives over over 120,000 underprivileged children during his lifetime. May his example encourage us to make ourselves fully available to God, no matter where He has placed us.
Getting Mercy-Strong (May 9, 2022)
This is the ninth installment in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series, entitled Becoming Brave, which explores the mechanical construct of spiritual and moral bravery. Using King Alfred’s victory at Edington (878 AD) as his muse, Eric unpacks a profound picture of bravery that is fueled by the power of mercy.
Calling the Enemy’s Bluff (with Leslie Ludy)
As Christians, it’s easy to adopt the idea that the lost in our culture are hopeless, beyond reach – so we don’t even try. Don Richardson’s example among the lost in interior New Guinea proves that no-one is beyond the power of the Gospel. It’s time to call the enemy’s bluff. Our culture is not beyond God’s reach, and He loves them more than we can imagine. So let’s not be distracted by the enemy’s intimidation tactics, but have faith in what our mighty God can do.
Getting Conscience-Clean (May 17, 2022)
This is the tenth installment in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series, entitled Becoming Brave, which explores the mechanical construct of spiritual and moral bravery. This particular episode unpacks the make-up of the human conscience and how it plays into the matter of bravery. It would likely surprise many people today to learn that a clean conscience is the kindling of a brave life.
An Ordinary World-Changing Life (Leslie Ludy)
Many of us put limits on what God can do through us because of our own insecurities and feelings of inadequacy. But we must never forget that what God calls us to, He equips us for. This is what we see in the example of Frank Jenner – a simple Australian businessman who personally witnessed to over 100,000 people in his lifetime. Next time God places a Kingdom opportunity in front of you, don’t let fear or insecurity keep you from embracing it – rely on the strength of God to do what is impossible in your own strength.
Getting Death-Defying
This is the eleventh and final installment in Eric Ludy’s spring Daily Thunder series, entitled Becoming Brave, which explores the mechanical construct of spiritual and moral bravery. This particular episode dives into the topic of joyful suffering and shows that every single thing that the enemy intends to harm us, always ends up backfiring on the enemy and works to enhance and enrich the Christ’s Kingdom purposes in our lives.

Becoming Brave
Presented by Eric Ludy
As Christians we are presently vulnerable. Every day our ancient foe the devil is seeking to invade our souls with his voice of doom, and many of us are susceptible to this voice, because we haven’t ever been taught how to shoo it away — how to resist it. As Christians we are both designed and empowered to be doom-proofed — to be able to repel all the fiery darts of bad news, gloomy projections, and portending destruction. And this doom-proofing is called bravery. It starts on the inside of a believer and works its way out unto valiant actions, so that the Christian can face any crisis — big or small — with a smile, a song, and stunning composure.