a Christian approach to the weaknesses in others
Sunday, May 30, 2021
The Christian is built to beautifully portray the glory of God.
That’s a high calling.
And it’s good that we as Christians take this high calling seriously. But, it’s also important that we remember that the only One that can truly fulfill this high calling is God Himself.
Along this journey we are going to encounter weakness in those that are walking beside us down the Narrow Way. How should we respond to this weakness? And — surprise, surprise — we are also going to encounter weakness in ourselves as we follow in the footsteps of Christ.
How should we respond to our own personal weakness?
While Eric Ludy is out of town on a speaking trip, Ellerslie is freshly releasing this sermon classic from the archives. Originally delivered six years ago, it is our prayer that its re-release proves a timely exhortation to the Body of Christ and that it reminds us all that mercy does indeed triumph over judgment.

Monday, May 31, 2021
In the Prison Cell with Christ // The Blanket Carriers – Part 1 of 3 (Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson)
This particular episode explores the outward focus of the Christian and how that selfless care-for-others lifestyle of the believing man and/or woman of God is their great secret of endurance in the most hellish of circumstances.
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Dealing with the Naked Man // The Blanket Carriers – Part 2 of 3 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This message unpacks the importance of dealing with the weakness and problems in the people around us … and helps you think through how to properly handle the issue(s) while loving the individual.
Friday, June 4, 2021
The Welcoming Church // The Blanket Carriers – Part 3 of 3 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This message addresses the growing trend amongst evangelical churches today to get soft on sin in order to appear more “welcoming” to the sinner. How do we as believers hold a love of truth while also showing a love for the people?