As Believers, we are in the midst of a battle and we have an enemy that is seeking to devour us. And this is why it is imperative that we don’t just have a faith that is adept with the doctrines of Christianity, but one that is triumphant in the Person of Christianity—Jesus Christ.
Eric Ludy
The Wooden Refuge
The Christian life is supposed to be all about Jesus. This message reminds us about the North Star of the Scriptures and shows us how to set our life compass as believers.
Into the Turkish Straits
This message explores this critical aspect of spiritual momentum and shows the brilliance of entrusting everything to God.
The Well-Built Home
Jesus declared that just as Jonah was a sign unto the Ninevites, so also would Jesus be a sign to His generation (Luke 11:29-30). This message explores the meaning of the unique phrase, “The Sign of Jonah” and unpacks how this sign works in bringing people unto a dynamic faith.
The Sign of the Man
Jesus declared that just as Jonah was a sign unto the Ninevites, so also would Jesus be a sign to His generation (Luke 11:29-30). This message explores the meaning of the unique phrase, “The Sign of Jonah” and unpacks how this sign works in bringing people unto a dynamic faith.
With a Personal Touch
Why is it that someone can doctrinally understand something out of the Bible, and yet, not seem to be able to grasp that truth in their own personal life? This is a more common problem than most people realize.