We must labor to remember. We must discipline our mind to hold on to the wondrous works of God.
Eric Ludy
This message explores the nature of our God that is unbendable, unbreakable, unalterable, and inviolable.
Play the Man
This is a powerfully practical message about “taking courage” in the midst of the harrowing and heart-stopping moments of life.
Strong on Paper
As Believers, we are in the midst of a battle and we have an enemy that is seeking to devour us. And this is why it is imperative that we don’t just have a faith that is adept with the doctrines of Christianity, but one that is triumphant in the Person of Christianity—Jesus Christ.
The Wooden Refuge
The Christian life is supposed to be all about Jesus. This message reminds us about the North Star of the Scriptures and shows us how to set our life compass as believers.
Into the Turkish Straits
This message explores this critical aspect of spiritual momentum and shows the brilliance of entrusting everything to God.