As believers, we find ourselves constantly engaged in this life/death face-off with the powers of darkness. And if we as believers are going to prove victorious in our stand-off with this ancient foe, we need to know how to call our enemy’s bluff and keep our left tire on the white center line.
Power Over Sin
Two-Handed Christianity
So many today live out their Christianity with a limp. They don’t run “The Race” given them with gusto. What’s needed is an understanding of Biblical Grace.
The Wrong Door
It’s not our good works, it is Christ’s good Work alone that solves the human riddle. This can all be solved by making sure we enter the Door that Christ unlocked for us, instead of climbing in through the window of works, good deeds, and moral excellence.
The Sign of the Man
Jesus declared that just as Jonah was a sign unto the Ninevites, so also would Jesus be a sign to His generation (Luke 11:29-30). This message explores the meaning of the unique phrase, “The Sign of Jonah” and unpacks how this sign works in bringing people unto a dynamic faith.
Escaping the Viking Stronghold
There is a simple message delivered to us in and through the Scriptures: Jesus has come to set us at liberty from the power of Hell. We are no longer slaves to sin, but, rather, we are Christ’s freemen privileged to now serve Him as love-motivated bondservants.
In Christ
October 23, 2011 At Ellerslie, this is THE message. A semester at Ellerslie is a constant refrain of this extraordinary…
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