September 18, 2011
There are certain topics that pastors know they should probably avoid for fear of raising the ire of their congregants. Talking straight about parenting methods would definitely fall into that category. However, in this message Eric Ludy throws caution to the wind. With the extreme influx of post- modern “feelings-based” ideology into the raising of our children, it’s important to gain a Biblical grip on the issues at hand. Many Christian parents today have unwittingly bought into the notions of “feelings-based”parenting methods. This inevitably results in Christian homes run by little toddlers with grape jelly on their chins and foolishness running unchecked within their hearts. But God has an age-old, time-tested method for raising children, and it’s high time we brought it back to the Church of Jesus Christ, both in parenting our kids and in the way we respond to being parented by our God.