A Daily Thunder Series with Nathan Johnson
The Grand and Glorious Gospel
Discovering the Depth and Beauty of the Good News
Part 1: What is the Gospel?
If someone asked you to define and describe the Gospel, what would you say? In this introduction to his new series “The Grand and Glorious Gospel,” Nathan Johnson talks about the Gospel itself, the four key elements of it, and gives an overview of what we will cover in this series.
Part 2: The Bad News of the Gospel
The good news is even greater news when seen in light of the bad news. Without knowing the sinful condition we are in apart from Christ, we will fail to understand our need for a Savior. In this study, Nathan examines the “bad news” of the Gospel — we are sinners deserving of judgment … and we desperately need salvation.
Part 3: The Superlative Reality
Jesus IS our salvation! This is so profound that “good” news makes it sound paltry. The superlative reality is that Christ Himself has saved us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into His own kingdom. In this study we talk about Jesus being our salvation in the past, present, and future tenses.
Unfortunately we do not have a video for this session (only audio),
we apologize for the inconvenience.
Part 4: Repent and Believe
The modern “gospel” has often been reduced to a true/false test — a simple prayer at the end of a sermon. But biblical salvation requires you to repent and believe … to make Jesus Christ Lord and Savior of your life. And this response to the Gospel is not something we do once but is an ongoing lifestyle and response we live everyday. This is why Christians are called “believers” — we are the ones who continually believe (put our hope, trust, and faith in Jesus Christ and His Word).
Part 5: The Great Exchange
The Gospel offers a great exchange: my life for Christ’s. Because of the Gospel, I have been bought with a price, and my life is now hid in Christ Jesus. As such, I am to live not merely for Christ, but through Christ. In this study, Nathan examines the “exchanged life” and what it means to practically abide and abound in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately we do not have a video for this session (only audio),
we apologize for the inconvenience.
Bonus: What Happened to the Gospel?
In this special bonus episode, Nathan talks about why we aren’t releasing a “normal” study in the series this week, gives a quick reflection on the series thus far, and talks about two profound quotes on the Gospel from Charles Spurgeon.
Part 6: Adoption and Assurance
There are many blessings and benefits of the Gospel in our lives. As we begin our investigation of a few of them, Nathan Johnson focuses on the topic of adoption. Far more than the modern concept of adoption, this beautiful concept showcases the glory of what Christ purchased in our lives and our new sonship (adopted position) in the family of God. And it is this amazing reality that gives us great assurance of our salvation.
Part 7: Your Position and Identity IN Christ
As a believer, after you repent and put your faith in the Gospel, God changes your position from being in the kingdom of darkness and transfers you into the Kingdom of Christ. This new position and identity IN Jesus changes everything! In this study, Nathan Johnson explores the twofold reality of our position as Christians, discusses the manifold blessings of being IN Christ, and explains how we get into and remain IN Christ.
Part 8: The Beauty of Holiness
Too many Christians see holiness merely as a legalistic list of dos and don’ts, but holiness in Scripture is always a positive thing. It is a key attribute of our God and He calls us to be holy because He is holy. In this study, Nathan Johnson explores the beauty of holiness and how we can live holy amidst an unholy world.
Part 9: Marked by Love and Humility
The Gospel frees us to live in a brand new way—you are not stuck living the way you always have … you are a new creation! This is certainly true with the two defining characteristics of a believer’s life: love and humility. We have been freed from a prideful self-focused love to experience and showcase the love and life of Christ Jesus. In this message, Nathan Johnson examines love and humility as the two chief attributes of a Christian and how the grand and glorious gospel has set us free to live this new incredible life we call Christianity.
Part 10: The Fruit of One's Life
Because of the Gospel, we now have the life of Christ within which will produce a certain kind of fruit. In this message, Nathan talks about the fruit that is produced in one’s life—what we typically call the fruit of the Spirit—and describes the nine aspects to this singular fruit of Christlikeness.
Part 11: Your Free Gym Membership
The Gospel comes with a free gym membership! Amidst the trials, struggles, challenges, and difficulties of life, God desires to flip them and use them as weights in your spiritual life to build greater soul muscle and increase your faith. He doesn’t always remove the hardships, but He will leverage everything in your life for His purpose and plan to ultimately glorify Jesus and conform you to His image. In this study, Nathan talks about the test of faith and why you should see difficulty in light of the Gospel—as a free membership in God’s spiritual gym.
Part 12: Arrayed in Armor
The Gospel provides security and safety in Jesus Christ, our salvation. Amidst the spiritual battle we are in, we are told to stand strong, put on armor, to walk in victory and triumph. But how? In this study, Nathan Johnson examines the armor of God in Ephesians 6 and shows that Jesus is the person and place of our triumph … He is our refuge and fortress. In short, Jesus is the armor we are clothed within.
Part 13: Image-Bearer of the Living God
Humanity was created to be the image-bearer of the Living God. And because of the power of the Gospel through the Cross of Christ, we have been restored to how we were intended to live: bearing the image of Jesus Christ so our world might know Him. In this study, we examine the concept of image throughout Scripture, what it means to “bear His Name,” and discover the incredible privilege to reflect Christ to our world.
Part 14: God’s Not Done With You
The superlative news about Jesus and the Cross (the Gospel) is that God has an ongoing work in you to bring you to the point of completion, perfection, and wholeness. This process of sanctification is necessary to conform us to the image of Christ and produce godliness and Christlikeness within and through our lives. In this study, Nathan returns to the concept of holiness and sanctification to discuss its finishing work in our lives.
Part 15: Entrusted with the Gospel
One of the wonders of the Gospel is that it not only saves you but it empowers and emboldens you to share the Gospel with others. As Christians, we are to be proclaimers of the Gospel with our lives and with our lips—we are missionaries wherever we are and with everyone we meet. In this final study of the Grand and Glorious Gospel, Nathan talks about embracing Jesus’ mission as our commission and what it means for our lives to declare the superlative news of Jesus Christ.