A Daily Thunder Series with Eric Ludy
Originally aired October 2019
Ingredients of Intimacy
These five episodes were originally released in October of 2019 as a special series designed for our newly arrived Ellerslie Advanced students. As A.W. Tozer once said, “The man who would know God must spend time with Him.” It was Tozer’s way of saying that the grand discovery of knowing God is actually often found in and through the porthole of practicality. It’s important to note that the ingredients necessary for an intimate relationship with God are not far-out and hard-to-grasp metaphysical ideas reserved for the brilliant theologian, but actually, basic, down-to-earth practical concepts, intended to be wielded and enjoyed by the most simple-minded.
Part 1: Time
This is the first installment in Eric’s five-part series Ingredients of Intimacy. He dives into the topic of time and explains how the correct or incorrect handling of it often determines the degree of power and impact the Christian life will enjoy.
Part 2: Study
This is the second installment in Eric’s series Ingredients of Intimacy. In this episode he digs into the topic of study — explaining the beauty found when a believer learns to study the Scriptures with emphasis placed on loving pursuit and affectionate desire over merely dutiful rigor and academic discipline.
Part 3: Remember
This is the third installment in Eric’s series Ingredients of Intimacy. In this episode he drills down into the spiritual function of remembrance — a supremely important instrument in the tool belt of the thriving Christian.
Part 4: Worship
This is the fourth installment in Eric’s series Ingredients of Intimacy. In this episode he explains the secret to worship — the impetus behind praise, and the motivation that undergirds thanksgiving.
Part 5: Identification
This is the fifth installment in Eric’s series Ingredients of Intimacy. In this episode he addresses the important feature of “stepping into someone else’s shoes” and how that totally transforms relationships — both God-ward and man-ward.