A Daily Thunder Series with Nathan Johnson
Jesus in Every Area of Life
Part 1: Therefore …
Jesus is to have first place (be preemenient) in every area of our lives. He is not an add-on to our lives, He is to be our lives—which should radically transform every area of life. In this new series, Nathan Johnson dives back into Ephesians and examines Paul’s practical examples of what it means to be a Christian (Ephesians 4:25–5:18).
Part 2: Laying Down Lying
As Christians, our lives must be marked by the truth. Because God does not lie and because we are members of one body, we must aggressively throw any lie, hypocrisy, or duplicity from our lives. In this study from Ephesians 4:25, Nathan talks about truth, lying, and how both are far more than merely the words we say but also include how we live our lives.
Part 3: Is it Okay to be Angry?
Anger is a difficult emotion to deal with in the Christian life. Is it okay to be angry, and if so how do I know if what I’m angry over is a righteous or selfish anger? In this study of Ephesians 4:26-27, Paul argues that while righteous anger is permissable, we should seek to put away all anger from our lives as it can easily become sin, cause division within the body, and become a place of opportunity for the devil.
Part 4: Always With Something to Share
Every Christian should be ready to share what they have with those in need—whether it be finances, time, resource, or love. In Ephesians 4:28, Paul reminds us that we are to put off the old lifestyle of stealing and passivity and put on hard work so that we always have something to give to others in their time of need.
Part 5: What comes out
As believers, our words are meant to edify, build up, and encourage one another. We are to strengthen the faith of those around us, pushing others toward Christ rather than distracting them from Him. In this message on Ephesians 4:29, Nathan reminds us that our tongues are instruments that can be used for good or evil—and all our communication must come under the authority of Jesus Christ.
Part 6: Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit
As Christians, we are not only “image bearers” of the living God, but we are also filled with His Spirit. As such, we are called to live holy, godly, and righteous lives in this present age. As Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:30, when we live counter to the life and character of Christ, we grieve the Holy Spirit, in whom we were sealed for the day of redemption.
Part 7: Living in Light of the Spirit
Paul is adamant that we throw off the things of this world and live in light of Christ Jesus who indwells us through His Spirit. Anything that is unlike Him must go. In this study of Ephesians 4:31–32, Nathan Johnson walks through Paul’s two lists of what to put off and what put on and reminds us that we need the life of Christ within us if we ever hope to reflect Him in and through our lives.
Part 8: Always and in all ways a Christian
As Christians, we are to reflect Christ in our words, actions, thoughts, and motives — in short, we are to be always and in all ways a Christian. Jesus should always be seen in and through my life in all I say, think, and do. In this message, Nathan Johnson steps back and gives a big picture view of Ephesians 4 and reminds us that Christ must be the center and focus of our lives.
Part 9: Imitating the Impossible
Are you a genuine Christian or are you faking it? While Paul tells us we are to imitate Christ (Ephesians 5:1), the reality of his message is that without Christ it is impossible to imitate Christ—or said another way, the secret to imitation is impartation. In this message, Nathan Johnson talks about what it means to be “imitators of God” and gives three important reminders as we imitate.
Part 10: God’s Cherished Children
We are God’s beloved children! We have been adopted as true heirs and every Christian is His special (number one favorite) child. In this message, Nathan Johnson examines Ephesians 5:1 and Paul’s incredible statement that we are God’s cherished children.
Part 11: Living in and out of Love
One of the defining attributes of Christians is to be love—but not a love like the world based on emotion, circumstance, or preference. Our lives are to be marked by God’s love—an extravagant, passionate, selfless love that pursues the benefit of another at the risk and cost to one’s self. In this message, Nathan Johnson explores Ephesians 5:2 and Paul’s command to live in and out of the love of God.
Part 12: The Fragrance of Love
You have an aroma. And while it may be a stench to the world, it is a delightful fragrance to God. In this message, Nathan teaches from Ephesians 5:2 and discusses how our lives of love becomes an aroma of God to our world. This profound end to our series is a powerful reminder to clothe ourselves in Christ and allow Him to do in and through us the very thing we cannot do ourselves.