What does it mean to be a real man in today’s soft and flimsy world? In 1 Corinthians 16:13 Paul gives a rousing challenge to the Church: “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong” (NASB). There is nothing flabby about Paul’s commission in this verse, and there is nothing flabby about true godly manhood. One of the ways I personally conquer fear, doubt, and spiritual apathy is by preaching fiery sermons about true manhood to my own soul. On this week’s Manhood Blog, I’m giving you a sneak peek into one of the rousing, manly pep-talks that I’ve given to myself more than once.
prove it!
Prove it. Prove yourself a man!
Right now it’s time to show what you believe. Demonstrate that your life is given to the King of all Kings.
Every man is proven when the going gets rough. Your soul sinew is tested when the circumstances get tough.
No matter the challenge, no matter the pain, greater is He that is in you than he that is against you in this game.
Retreat is not an option – fear is not your road. Steel your inner man for you are a child of the Most High God.
Put your hope in Him, and you will not be put to shame. Right now, place your faith in God, and in the power of His Name.
Prove it. Prove yourself a man!
Right now it’s time to exhibit what a godly man does, when all hell stands against him and tests his manly stuff.
For a man is designed to reveal to the heavenlies; the gritty power of the One who works impossibilities.
Deliberately choose to deafen your ears to this noise. Compose your soul, maintain your soul’s poise.
Stick your spiritual eyes squarely on the Cross, and let your challenger know just exactly who IS Boss.
Choose right now to believe that God is able to do it. He’ll go exceedingly abundantly beyond your asking – now you must prove it.
Prove it. Prove yourself a man!
Grab five smooth stones and stride out against this Goliath. Laugh at his supposed size and mock his boasts of triumph.
This is precisely when a man is made. For valor is not forged in the comfortable shade. It’s in the fires of soul travail that you find, the substance of manhood of the heavenly kind.
Put off the world’s heavy armor, set down the sword of earthly strength. Now draw God’s Grace and Power from your manly soul’s sheath.
Prove it and play the man. Choose human weakness that God may demonstrate power.
Prove it. Prove that He lives inside you. Be the suffering lamb that emits the Lion’s roar.
Prove it. Prove yourself a man!
Show the world that there is a God in Heaven. Show the angels that there are still men that walk this globe that tremble with awe at His wonder.
Show the demons that they have good reason to fear. For, yet again, a man of God lives and breaths on this earthen soil. And show your mighty King that His glory is your grand pursuit.
For is not the Lamb that was slain worthy to receive the reward of His suffering?
Prove it. Prove that you are one deserving to carry the title of man.
Be bold. Be courageous. Hold fast. Stand strong.
Andrizomai! Rak Chazak! You belong to El Elyon.
Prove it. Prove it right now. Silence that enemy. Don’t give him the ground.
Live as a man. And live it right now.
The Honorable Manhood program is powerful, potent manhood training for men, fathers/sons, and small groups! Learn more + register here.
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