Spiritual Lessons from WwI
2022 Daily Thunder Series by Eric Ludy
Eric shares his vision for this Exciting, new series:
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The Sinister Unknown
This is the first episode of Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series based on the convulsive struggles of World War I. Few people today know much about WWI, but this extraordinary event in history shaped the world in which we all live today and, if we dig into its rich loam, we find thousands of spiritual lessons to impact us as Christians in the twenty-first century. This particular episode starts near the end of the war in 1918 and explores the unknown nature of this war’s outcome. As believers, we live in a time of fog and sinister unknown. It’s critical that we remember that our God is NOT in fog and sees clearly in and amidst this period of dramatic disorder and moral meltdown. In fact, He has guaranteed victory.
This is the second installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This particular episode explores the impact of WW1 upon a generation of young idealists that believed the government was motivated by moral and just motives in fighting this terrible war, only to find out that there were far more carnal motives at the root of much of this four-year horror. The “War to End All Wars” proved to only be the “War to Start All Wars.” There are human frailties, misrepresentations, and propaganda all around us — how does a Christian reason and conclude? Where does our confidence lie? Hint: It’s not in human leadership — it’s in the Word of God, both in Text and in Person.
The Insecurity of William
This is the third installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This particular episode contrasts two key individuals in the early twentieth century demonstrating the importance of humility and the devastation of pride. Both of these men were kings and both desired the favor of France. Edward VII, the King of England, sought it through lowness, honor, and respect. Meanwhile, William II, the emperor of Germany, sought it through bullying, threats, and shows of self-importance. One of these men succeeded in winning the favor of the French, the other one started a world war as a result of his failed method.
A Foolish Thing in the Balkans
This is the fourth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This particular episode demonstrates the power and importance of the small decisions of life. Just as one man’s actions will spark the flame of WW1, it was One Man’s actions that sparked the rescue of humanity two thousand years ago. Gavrilo Princip didn’t see the full impact of his actions when he pulled the trigger to assassinate the Archduke of Austria-Hungary. And in the same way, many of us do not see the full gravity of our decisions when we choose to participate in our seemingly “small” fleshly deeds.
Underestimating Albert
This is the fifth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This particular episode unpacks the dramatic shift in Belgium leadership just prior to the Great War. The transition from Leopold II to Albert I was significant —moving Belgium from self-satiating to self-sacrificing. The problem for Germany is that their entire war plan hinged on Belgium’s avarice, and they were bewildered to find a new sort of leader running the show when they arrived. Germany was ready to bribe the Belgium government for safe passage through their country. However, instead of safe passage they found the Belgians with guns lifted and loaded.
The Inexorable Force
This is the sixth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode investigates one particular conversation held between the emperor of Germany and the commander of the German military on August 1, 1914. The outcome of this one interchange altered the history of the world. And, due to the incorrect thinking injected into this singular conversation, devastation came to this world. The very pattern we see in this fateful conversation is the same dynamic that can reside in the inner conversations of our individual souls every day. Whereas our decisions may not lead to 40 million deaths, when handled incorrectly, they can give the devil place and power in and through our lives. It is critical that we know the Truth about God’s ability to save and that we know that He, indeed, is the God of the impossible.
The French Fury
This is the seventh installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode explores the impact of evolutionary thought upon France in the years leading up to 1914. The entire French culture teemed with twisted notions derived from Darwin’s postulations—and these twisted notions nearly destroyed the nation. Their German enemy to the east was well aware of their muddled thinking and attempted at the outset of the war to entrap them through their misguided passions.
The Old Contemptibles
This is the eighth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode dives into the daring of the ready soldier. Modern men dread the thought of losing their comforts and letting go of life-as-usual. However, throughout history men have yearned for opportunity to march off to war. The spiritual man must not grow too comfortable in his earthly life —he must be ready and alert and always in position to leap into the fray and play the man.
The Other Eric
This is the ninth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode investigates the life of Erich Ludendorff and his spectacular rise to worldwide fame in and through his exploits at the Battle of Liège in August of 1914. In a general sense, Ludendorff is not a character that Christians should emulate. But when he bangs on the gates of the Citadel in Liège on April 6, 1914, he models something that should cause every Christian to sit up and take notice.
The Daring Decisions of Albert
This is the tenth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode returns to the storyline of our hero, King Albert of Belgium, and follows him as he navigates through the darkest days of Belgium’s war-torn history. Albert magnificently demonstrates the rare decision-making process of heaven (ie. Dish out the “no” in order to preserve all covenantal yesses). With stunning alacrity, Albert makes decisions that harm himself in order to save his beloved homeland.
The Red Trouser Dilemma
This is the eleventh installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode explores the Biblical theme of change. Is change a good thing or a bad thing? Well, that depends on what sort of change it is. Using the Russian War Minister, Vladimir Sukhomlinov, as the muse, this message unpacks the importance of change when wielded by the Holy Spirit. Because the lack of change, when change is required, can lead to absolute devastation.
Simply Churchillian
This is the twelfth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode investigates the uncomfortable atmosphere in Great Britain in 1914 as the Great War was breaking out. It was an atmosphere of sharp division and contrasting viewpoints. In fact, the division was so sharp that a unified national action against the German aggression in Belgium seemed unlikely. But, in the midst of this chaos, a man stepped onto the stage that would speak clarity to the nation amidst the terrible fog of war.
The Meddling of William
This is the thirteenth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode takes us to an unexpected war theater in the Wild West. The story of surging conflict in 1914 is going to take us all the way to Mexico. And the intrigue runs deep as Germany labors to stir up animosity between the United States and Mexico in order to keep the U.S. distracted from assisting in a European war.
The Nicholas Swizzle
This is the fourteenth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode takes us to St. Petersburg, Russia in 1914 and some strange goings on in the royal palace. It involves an insecure King, a fretful Queen, a sickly boy, and a Mad Monk. It is a story that is both bizarre and powerfully convicting. For like Nicholas and Alexandra, many of us have allowed the “Mad Monk” into our own living rooms under the auspices of crazy justification.
The French Counterpunch
This is the sixteenth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode exposes the strange phenomenon of Sin’s inability to slow itself and put on the brakes. This fatal flaw in Sin’s make-up is leveraged by God as one of His chief means by which he awakens the soul to His glorious salvation. This idea is demonstrated in a powerful way through the German aggression of WW1 and their attack on Paris in early September 1914. Paris was vulnerable, the Germans were powerful, and then . . . the strangest thing happened.
The Honor of England
This is the seventeenth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode zooms in on one of the most extraordinary moments in the war—when Joseph Joffre confronted Sir John French on September 5, 1914 and begged him to join the offensive against Germany at the First Battle of the Marne. The participation of the BEF (French’s forces) in this epic battle is the key factor in the ultimate outcome of WW1. However, at the time, it didn’t even seen possible that the British would side with the French in this occasion. If French had succumbed to his panic rather than risen to fulfill his role, the outcome of the Great War would have been wholly different.
Twenty-One Gun Salute
This is the eighteenth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode returns us to America in 1914 and lays another foundation stone in the drama embroiling the United States at the time the Great War breaks out. US President, Woodrow Wilson, becomes a chief character in the landscape of WW1 and by the end of the war will prove possibly the most important decision-maker on earth. This message explores the beginnings of his presidency and his susceptibility to the distractive measures the Germans are employing to keep him preoccupied everywhere but in the territory the Germans are wanting to conquer.
National Road 2
This is the nineteenth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode focuses on the unexpected revival of the French military strength in the hour of their greatest need. Utilizing the principle of “thanksgiving”—this message shows how obedience in the Kingdom of Heaven, even when it seems strange, leads to an unexpected surge of might at the moment it is most required.
The Dragon Hole
This is the twentieth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode explores the Battle of the Aisne that unfolded in mid-to-late September of 1914. This one battle has so many rich pictures of the Christian faith and our battle against our evil Foe. So often, we as believers accept stalemate in the territorial battles of our souls and fail to claim that which is rightfully ours due to the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
The Meltdown of Moltke
This is the twenty-first installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode dives into the man steering the military operations of the Germans in the very first month of the Great War—Helmuth von Moltke. Moltke is an average man in a very un-average situation. He finds himself at the helm of something so big, so grand, so weighty—with consequences of victory and failure so extreme—that he begins to crumble under the weight. There are two ways to lead in times of crisis—one that works and one that fails. Moltke chose the wrong one, and it totally destroyed him.
This is the twenty-second installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode explores the formation of what will become known as the Western Front in WW1. A war of movement will quickly devolve into a war of entrenchment with a series of desperate battles in a territory known as Flanders. The baits the Christian to this very same territory—the place of spiritual stalemate. Where we waste our life attempting to break through barriers in our own strength instead of recognizing our enemy is already defeated.
The Sincere Soldier
This is the twenty-third installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode examines the personal experiences of a young German soldier and his experiences in the Battle of Ypres in October 1914. This young man’s nobility, self-sacrifice, and sincerity are touching, earning him two Iron Crosses for his bravery under-fire and the admiration of the onlooking German world. However, the most gallant and daring feats spent on behalf of the wrong agenda, do not lead to triumph, but tragedy. Every one of us, as believers, are prone to the same misadventure in our lives. There are many false causes to fight for, but there is only One Savior worthy of the entirety of our lives.
Going Over the Top
This is the twenty-fourth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode unpacks the idea of “going over the top” in battle—a concept made famous in the trench-styled warfare of WW1. But the fun twist to this message is how it explores “going over the top” as a Christian. Using the Christmas Truce of 1914 as its muse, this message shows us a beautiful picture of the power of bold gentleness and daring love in the face of hostility.
The Ethics of Victory
This is the twenty-fifth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode investigates the German decisions to violate previous agreements they had made at the Hague Peace Conventions in 1899 and 1907 in order to win the war. For the Germans, victory was an end that justified any means necessary to reach it. How should a Christian approach these matters? Do the ends really justify the means? Does the Bible have something to say on all this?
The Rise of Pancho
This is the twenty-sixth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode explains the elaborate art of distraction that the Kingdom of Darkness wields as one of its chief military schemes against the Church of Jesus Christ. Just like Kaiser Wilhelm II (Germany’s King during WW1) waged a distraction campaign against the United States (from 1914-1916) in an attempt to keep the U.S. “otherwise occupied” with Mexico instead of involving themselves with stopping Germany’s aggression in Europe—so our ancient foe, the Devil, does the same thing with us. Let’s not be ignorant of the enemy’s schemes.
Big Tough
This is the twenty-seventh installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode looks at the ANZAC (the Australian/New Zealand Army Corps) in WW1. In April 1915 they received their first commission. It was an impossible one—Gallipoli. Everything went wrong on the mission and the ANZAC were stuck in a miserable situation for eight long months. But instead of moaning, groaning, complaining, and crying—they did something altogether unexpected. They laughed.
The Zone Rouge
This is the twenty-eighth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode explores the longest battle in world history known as the Battle of Verdun. 300,000 died in 300 days. It was an epic tragedy that destroyed the once-lovely territory of Verdun turning it into a dead zone—a zone rouge. This proves an incredible parallel with our spiritual lives. God desires to take our dead territory and reclaim it for His glory.
Voie Sacrée
This is the twenty-ninth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode explores another side of the infamous battle of Verdun (the longest battle in history). Early in the battle, the Germans cut off all French supply lines—all that is but one, that is. The one supply line that was left to the French was a small country road known in history as La Voie Sacrée (the Sacred Road). This one lone road supplied for all the heroic labor at the front. In the Christian life is it important that we caretake for our Sacred Road in the same manner the French cared for theirs in the darkest hours of WW1.
Room 40
This is the thirtieth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode dives into one of the most intriguing parts of the war—the espionage, codebreaking part. The work of British Naval Intelligence is renowned and considered the greatest spy work in world history. But, part of its secret was how humble and hidden it was—doing world-changing work while cloistered in an unpretentious location known as Room 40.
The First Wave
This is the thirty-first installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode explores the beginnings of the Battle of the Somme (July 1,, 1916) —one of the most disturbing experiences the British endured in the entirety of WW1. 60,000 British were lost in a single day. And most of those were lost in the passage of a few minutes. Each of us faces trials like the Somme, and there is a significant spiritual lesson to be learned in the folds of its history.
Code Name: Tank
This is the thirty-second installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode investigates Winston Churchill’s secret Landships Committee gatherings in 1915 and follows it to its intriguing conclusion—the invention and production of the tank. The tank, originally envisioned by H.G. Wells in his short story, The Land Ironclads, this armored ship that sailed the land, became the answer to the great dilemma of overcoming the barbed wire barrier in no man’s land in 1916 when it debuted in the Battle of the Somme. However, as impressive as the tank is now, its first steps forward in the Fall of 1916 were anything but impressive.
Agent H
This is the thirty-third episode in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode returns us to the Wild West and the intrigues of German plots to sabotage American involvement in the War. But when it comes to intrigues, WW1 will prove the British superior to all other nations. And, in late 1916, it is British secret agent H. that uncovers something of epic importance taking place in Mexico that ultimately changes the course of the War and history.
A False Peace
This is the thirty-fourth episode in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode investigates Woodrow Wilson’s peace proposals at the conclusion of 1916. Proposing what he termed, “Peace without victory,” he attempted to work out a peace deal in which neither side could claim victory. However, neither side could fathom (after losing millions of men in the conflict) justifying such an agreement. In staring at the circumstances facing the world in 1916, one could conclude it impossible for peace to be gained. And the same would have been said two thousand years ago in staring at the breach between man and God. But God made a way. And it wasn’t through the Wilsonian path of a “peace without victory” but rather it was by means of a “peace through victory”.
The Zimmermann Blunder
This is the thirty-fifth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode showcases what many WW1 experts claim to be the climactic point of the war—Germany’s unleashing of unrestricted U-boat warfare and a subsequent telegram sent by their war minister Arthur Zimmermann. In early 1917, the United States was still strongly vying to remain a neutral country, and that is exactly the way Germany preferred it. But, due to a colossal blunder, the Germans end up, proverbially speaking, shooting themselves in the foot.
The Devil in the Boxcar
This is the thirty-sixth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode returns us to the chillier zone of Russia where revolution is underway. A change is taking place in this territory of the world which will prove far more devastating than WW1. The Germans have schemed to finally put an end to Russia in April of 1917, but their scheming to harm their neighbor, will amazingly come back upon their own heads and prove the seeds of their own national disintegration.
Rooted for Red October
This is the thirty-seventh installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode transports us once again to the icy cold frontiers of Russia in 1917. It is a year in Russian history that will certainly never be forgotten. In fact, many Russians wish they could rewind the clock and better fortify their country against the hostile takeover of their government by Vladimir Lenin and his fellow soviets. The tragedies of WW1 are nothing compared to the tragedies of communism in the twentieth century.
Footprints of Destiny
This is the thirty-eighth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode covers the convulsive and defining period of 1917 and 1918 in the war. But, whereas most of the episodes in this series tell the stories of WW1 from a low altitude and zoom in on the participating characters—this episode flies higher and is able looks down on WW1 from the 50,000-foot level, allowing the passenger to see the intervention of God in the unfolding of these cataclysmic events. Even when it would appear that God has forgotten man and has left man to his own violent devices—He is still very much in control. And if He is in control of nations, how much more should I believe He is in in control of my life?
The Allied Answer
This is the thirty-ninth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode marks the exciting turning point in WW1. When all hope seemed lost for the Allies—the Battle of Amiens transformed everything. Backed into a corner, the Allies appeared defeated, and then suddenly the storyline flipped. Using the idea of prevailing prayer, this message unpacks the secrets to triumph and how God steals victory out of the jowls of defeat.
The American Hero
This is the fortieth installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode explores the impact of one particular soldier on the landscape of the war. In October of 1918, in the Argonne-Meuse offensive, one soldier stunned, not just the Germans, but the entire world. Under fire of 30 machine guns directly aimed at him, he not only captured all the enemy’s machine guns, but captured 132 German soldiers while he was at it—single-handedly. It’s a remarkable story and one that has a rich spiritual parallel in our own lives.
The Conscientious Objector
This is the forty-first installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This episode discusses the different approaches and mindsets that Christians have had about war and participating in war throughout the ages. Specifically, Eric focuses on the Conscientious Objector and the trials that WW1 brought to those that felt they could not participate in the war due to matters of conscience. It is imperative that the Church understand the issues of conscience so that they are ready to properly process and Biblically respond to the soul challenges of our day.
The Hall of Mirrors
This is the forty-second and final installment in Eric Ludy’s epic summer Daily Thunder series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW1. This concluding episode wraps up the epic drama of WW1 in the Hall of Mirrors in the palace of Versailles. In June of 1919, exactly five years after Gavrilo Princip shot the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, the peace treaty was signed by all the belligerent countries and “peace” ensued. But it was a temporary peace, because it was a peace based upon brute force and revenge and not one derived from genuine agreement. This very misconceived treaty became the seedbed for Adolf Hitler and the Second World War in 1939.

Spiritual Lessons from WWI
Presented by Eric Ludy
Could there possibly be anything redeeming in studying World War I? After all, this cataclysmic event boasts a terrifying storyline that toppled empires, maimed millions, wiped out an entire generation of young men, and was the sponsor of some of the greatest evils this world has ever known. Along with the death camps of WWII, the trenches on the front lines of WWI were probably one of the most terrible places in all history for a human to be. The world we live in today still bears the marks of this struggle. However, buried amid the rubble of this terrible four-year crisis are countless lessons to instruct the soul. There is beauty found in this ash heap if one is willing to dig.
The reason this particular series has been put together is to help better steer the Christian through seasons of suffering and agony, seasons of global advancement and change, and seasons of seeming hopelessness. WWI has an immense treasure store of life-wisdom packaged inside its violent, bloody folds. If we as the Church are to navigate through the 21st century with grace and triumph, then we ought to draw the amazing supply of grace and triumph from the vault of this chief event of the 20th century.