A Daily Thunder Series with Nathan Johnson
The Storyline of Scripture
See the big picture of the bible
Part 1: The Kingdom Introduced and Rejected
Everything in Scripture focuses on Jesus Christ and His redemptive work at the Cross. And you’re invited to join Nathan over the next seven episodes as we examine the Storyline of Scripture and how all of the Bible points to and is fulfilled in Jesus.
As we begin the new series, this first episode examines the creation and rejection of the Kingdom of God on earth. But all hope is not lost, God has made provision through the promise of the coming Messiah!
Part 2: The Kingdom People and Promise
In the midst of a world that rejected God and His Kingdom, God had a plan to choose for Himself a people so that through them He might come and save the world. We see in Genesis 12 that God called Abraham and gave him a promise; a promise that was ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ. In this session of the Storyline of Scripture, we examine the Kingdom people and promise, look at the entire book of Genesis, and show how Abraham becomes a pattern for living for Christians today.
Part 3: The Kingdom Rehearsed
God has an eternal purpose and plan which is fulfilled in Christ Jesus. Yet 1500 years before God became flesh, God wove the story of Scripture into the everyday life of Israel. In short, they were rehearsing and foreshadowing the Kingdom and coming King in the Law, feasts, Tabernacle, and everyday life of Israel. In this session, we examine how Israel left bondage to Egypt through the blood of the Lamb, led into the Wilderness by Moses, and began to rehearse the incredible reality of the Kingdom and Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Part 4: The Kingdom in Waiting
Our modern culture dislikes waiting for anything. Yet we see the incredible patience of God and His people as they waited a millennium for the coming King. Through the time of kings and prophets, there was a yearning for the fullness of the King and Kingdom. In this session, we examine the overarching time period of waiting from the time of Joshua, to the crowning of King Saul and King David, through the divided Kingdom, the declaration of the prophets, and the four hundred years of “silence”—and how the nation of Israel was a Kingdom in waiting.
Part 5: The King
All of Scripture leads us to the pinnacle of the King and His birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension. In this study, we examine how the Gospels declare forth the beauty and blessing of God coming in the flesh. To miss this, is to miss everything we need for life and godliness.
Part 6: The King's Mission
Before Jesus ascended, He gave the Church a mission—to preach the Gospel and make disciples of all the nations. This mission from our King has not changed, yet many of us prefer to be passive in our faith, rather than be bold and risk everything for the King and His Kingdom. In this session, we examine the King’s mission and our call to live empowered by the Holy Spirit to fulfill it.
Part 7: The King's Return
The King is returning soon!
In this study we examine what it means to live in light of Christ’s return and what Scripture commands us to do as we wait. The day is drawing near and this message encourages all of us to have an excitement and hope in our souls for that long-awaited day.