A 2022 Winter Daily Thunder Series
Presented by Nathan Johnson

All of Christ in All Things
A Study of the Preeminence of Christ
Jesus Christ is to have first place in all things. This concept of preeminence is essential for every believer and is central to Paul's letter to the Colossians. Join Nathan Johnson in this fourteen-part study examining the book of Colossians and how Jesus is to be first in every aspect and arena of our lives. As a fun bonus, Nathan provides study guides for each lesson to help you learn how to study the Bible for yourself as you walk through this powerful series.
Click on a part below to get started:
Colossians Overview – Introduction (January 18, 2022)
The book of Colossians is an incredible book focusing on Jesus being first place in all things. In this introduction to the book, Nathan Johnson examines the author, audience, and the small church in the city of Colossae as we prepare to study the book together.
If you are interested in joining Nathan in studying the book, sign up to receive his Colossians study guides and notes at: https://www.deeperchristian.online/colossians-bible-study
Colossians Bookends (January 20, 2022)
As we finish looking at the overall picture of Colossians, we examine the associates of Paul in his postscript at the end of the book. Understanding the bookends of Colossians will help us better grasp the incredible truth that Jesus is to be preeminent in all things at all times.
If you are interested in joining Nathan in studying the book, sign up to receive his Colossians study guides and notes at: https://www.deeperchristian.online/colossians-bible-study
Faith, Hope, Love, and the Gospel (Colossians 1:3-8) – January 25, 2022
Knowing God’s Will (Colossians 1:9-11) – January 27, 2022
The Transfer of Kingdoms (Colossians 1:9-14, 21-23) – February 1, 2022
The Mystery of Godliness (Colossians 1:15-17) – February 3, 2022
Jesus is God in the flesh … and thus has made God known to humanity in a relational and intimate way. This “mystery of godliness” is a profound concept, but one that must be grasped in order to fully understand Jesus Christ and all He has done on our behalf. In this expositional message from Colossians 1:15-17, Nathan Johnson discusses this great mystery of godliness and explains four key characteristics of who Jesus is that Paul presents in the passage.
If you are interested in joining Nathan in studying the book, sign up to receive his Colossians study guides and notes at: https://www.deeperchristian.online/colossians-bible-study
The Preeminence of Christ! (Colossians 1:18-20)
Christ alone is to have first place in all things. He is preeminent! In what may be one of the greatest descriptions of Jesus, Colossians 1:15-20 declares that Jesus alone is to have the priority of our lives. Join Nathan Johnson in this expositional message to explore what it means for Jesus to have first place in all things at all moments of every day.
If you are interested in joining Nathan in studying the book, sign up to receive his Colossians study guides and notes at: https://www.deeperchristian.online/colossians-bible-study
The Ministry of the Mystery (Colossians 1:24-2:7)
God made Paul a minister so he might preach the marvelous message of the mystery of Christ. In this expositional message on Colossians 1:24-2:7, we explore this glorious mystery of “Christ in us” and how this mystery has been “hidden from the past ages and generations, but has now been manifested to His saints.”
If you are interested in joining Nathan in studying the book, sign up to receive his Colossians study guides and notes at: https://www.deeperchristian.online/colossians-bible-study
The Struggle and the Suffering (Colossians 1:24-2:7) – February 15, 2022
Struggles and suffering is simply abundant in the Christian life. We are not promised ease and safety, rather we have the hope of comfort and joy amidst the difficulties and hardships of life. When we as believers live fully for Christ, we will face persecution and trials—which Paul says we should embrace and delight in. But how? In this expositional message from Colossians 1:24-2:7 we examine the struggle and suffering of Paul and how we too can delight in difficulty and triumph in any tribulation.
If you are interested in joining Nathan in studying the book, sign up to receive his Colossians study guides and notes at: https://www.deeperchristian.online/colossians-bible-study
Beware of Four “Spiritual” Distractions (Colossians 2:8-23) – February 17, 2022
Slay the Selfish (Colossians 3:1-11) – February 22, 2022
Unless our faith and doctrine move beyond head knowledge into practical living, what good is Christianity? Paul is adamant that if we are to make Jesus first (preeminent) in every area of our lives, it must become practical. In this expositional study of Colossians 3:1-11, Nathan Johnson begins to talk about practically demonstrating the life of Christ as we slay the selfish and remove everything in our lives that doesn’t look like Him.
If you are interested in joining Nathan in studying the book, sign up to receive his Colossians study guides and notes at: https://www.deeperchristian.online/colossians-bible-study
Whatever You Do! (Colossians 3:12-17) – February 24, 2022
Practical Holiness in Relationships (Colossians 3:18-4:1) – March 1, 2022
Relationships are difficult. Yet as believers, we are to walk in practical holiness and honor in every relationship—especially in marriage, family, and our workplaces. In this expositional study of Colossians 3:18-4:1, Nathan Johnson discusses these three important relational arenas of life and how Paul commands us to live as Christ within the complexities of relationships.
If you are interested in joining Nathan in studying the book, sign up to receive his Colossians study guides and notes at: https://www.deeperchristian.online/colossians-bible-study
Prayer and Proclamation (Colossians 4:2-6) – March 3, 2022
Earlier in Colossians, Paul declares that we have been transferred from the domain of darkness and brought into the Kingdom of the Beloved Son (Jesus)! As such, the hope of the Gospel should be flowing from our lives and lips. In this final study in Colossians, we examine Colossians 4:2-6 and talk about Paul’s earnest desire that we devote ourselves to pray and the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ.
If you are interested in joining Nathan in studying the book, sign up to receive his Colossians study guides and notes at: https://www.deeperchristian.online/colossians-bible-study