A Summer 2021 Daily Thunder Series
Presented by Leslie Ludy
Click on a part below to get started:
August 30, 2021 — The Valiant Woman
In this session Leslie shares how the secret to bravehearted womanhood is not found in striving, but surrender. It’s not impressing the world with your own strengths – it’s getting out of the way so God’s amazing strength can be seen through your life.
August 31, 2021 — A Fulfilled Woman
Christ’s amazing work on the Cross did not set us free to “be ourselves” or “follow our hearts.” Rather, He gave His life to set you free from ourselves, so that we no longer need to be controlled by our selfish, fleshly whims. Because of His work on the Cross, we are free to be completely and wholly His — and as Leslie explains in this session, this is the secret to true and lasting fulfillment.
September 1, 2021 — A Resilient Woman
Becoming a spiritual athlete is one of the primary qualities of every man or woman in Christian history who truly made an impact for God’s glory. It is also the example set by the Apostle Paul, and the example of Jesus Christ. Should we expect less for ourselves? In this session Leslie explores the Biblical foundation of being a fortified, resilient woman – not through self-effort, but through Christ’s strength alone.
September 2, 2021 — A Grounded Woman
As women, we must surrender our feelings and emotions to the Spirit of God. Our actions and decisions must be based on His Truth, not based on our feelings, whims, and desires. Unless we bring our emotions and feelings under the authority of God’s Spirit, we will be ineffective in our Christian life and unable to make a significant impact upon this world. In this session, Leslie explores how to make the shift from emotion-led living to Truth-based living.
September 3, 2021 — A Poured-Out Woman
Bravehearted women in history are those who not only suffered willingly for Christ, but counted it a privilege to do so. Women who understand the narrow path of the Cross — and that the Christian life is not meant to be easy — will be good soldiers for Christ, no matter what life brings. Though modern culture tells us to self-protect, Christ invites us to join Him in demonstrating sacrificial love. In this session, Leslie casts a life-giving vision for this beautiful and often overlooked aspect of godly femininity.

The Bravehearted Woman
Presented by Leslie Ludy
In Proverbs 31, the statement, “Who can find a virtuous woman?” literally means valiant, mighty, and strong. It is the very same word used to describe King David’s might when he wrestled the bear and lion, conquered Goliath, and slew tens of thousands of Israel’s fiercest enemies. A chief characteristic of a godly woman is strength. But often the only kind of strong womanhood we see today is the counterfeit, feministic version of the culture. In this powerful and practical series, Leslie unpacks the Biblical keys to becoming a supernaturally strong and bravehearted woman in this generation; not through willpower or human effort, but through the transforming power of Jesus Christ.