2022 Daily Thunder Series
Presented by Nathan Johnson

The Calling On Your Life
A Study of God's Heart from Ephesians 4
You have a calling on your life. It is profound. It is epic. And it would change everything if you embraced it. You may have questioned what God's will for your life is, but He isn't hiding His purpose and plan from you; rather, He longs for you to know the calling for your life that flows from His heart. This study in Ephesians chapter four is not only an invitation to understand what your God-given calling is and how to live worthy of it, but it is also an invitation to know the One who has called you.
Click on a part below to get started:
The Outflow of the Inflow (Ephesians 4:1) – March 24, 2022
As we begin a new series from Ephesians 4 examining God’s call in our lives, we need to first see the connection between chapters 1-3 and chapters 4-6. Without recognizing that the outflow of the Christian life is based upon God’s inflow, we will either live with hypocrisy or passivity. Join Nathan Johnson in this overview message looking at the importance of knowing all of Ephesians to properly understand God’s calling in the life of a believer.
A Prisoner IN the Lord (Ephesians 4:1) – March 31, 2022
While we know Paul was a prisoner of Rome for the sake of the Gospel, he boldly declares that He is a prison IN the Lord—that his position and focus is Jesus Christ. In order for us to have a proper understanding of God’s calling in our lives, we, like Paul, need to see ourselves in a proper position of humility, submission, and surrender to the One who has called us. In this expositional message from Ephesians 4:1, Nathan Johnson explores what it means to be a prisoner IN the Lord and how that changes everything for a Christian.
The Lord is my Shepherd (Ephesians 4:1) – April 7, 2022
Jesus is Lord! But what does that mean practically for our lives as believers? If we are going to truly understand and embrace God’s calling on our lives, we must first embrace the One who has called us. In this study, we look at God being our Lord and Shepherd and the three things these two characteristics of God have in common for our daily lives as Christians.
You are Called with a Calling (Ephesians 4:1) – April 14, 2022
You have a calling on your life from the King of kings. He has invited you to share in something far more than a profession or obligation. In this study, Nathan Johnson examines our high and holy calling from Ephesians 4:1 and gives two powerful illustrations for how God has invited you into the adventure of a lifetime.
A Walk that is Worthy (Ephesians 4:1) – April 21, 2022
God has a calling on your life and you are commissioned to walk worthy of that high calling. In this study, Nathan Johnson explores Ephesians 4:1 and discusses not only what that high calling in your life is, but how you can live the impossible Christian life.
Called to Humility (Ephesians 4:2) – April 28, 2022
You have a calling in your life which is to be conformed in the image of Christ. Knowing about your calling is insufficient, we must live it out. As such, your life must be tested and proven against the perfect standard of Jesus Christ. In this study from Ephesians 4:2-3, we examine humility—the first of Paul’s five initial tests that our lives must reflect if we hope to walk worthy of the calling with which we have been called.
How to Become Humble (Ephesians 4:2) – May 5, 2022
Humility is a key defining characteristic of a Christian. We are told to be clothed with humility, but how? In this study from Ephesians 4:2, we examine not only what humility is but how we as believers can become humble.
Seven Humble Observations (Ephesians 4:2) – May 12, 2022
Scripture often talks about the importance of humility in our lives. In this continued study of humility in Ephesians 4:2, we look at what Scripture says about humility with seven key observations—that if taken to heart, will radically change our lives.
Called to Gentleness and Patience (Ephesians 4:2)
In Ephesians 4, Paul not only declares the calling with which you have been called, but he also gives five key “tests” that your life should be marked with. In this study, we examine gentleness and patience and explain how these two attributes work together and should mark the life of every Christian.
Called to Love and Unity (Ephesians 4:2-3)
Paul exhorts believers in Ephesians 4:2-3 to be marked by love and unity with one another. If we are called to the high calling of Christ, we must be marked by His love and life—which means the Christian life cannot be lived in a vacuum, rather it must be lived in relationship and community. In this study, we examine what it means to bear with one another in love and to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.