Browse sermons by title
A Bowl of Peanuts: A Study in the Action of Faith
A Cult Leader’s Worst Nightmare: A Study in the Strange Power of Religious Control and How to Debunk It
A Distracted Devotion: A Study in the Propensity of Pursuing the Right Thing in the Wrong Way
A Line in the Sand
A More Excellent Way: A Study in the Power and Priority of Love
A Most Fantastic Event
A New Generation of Fathers: A Study of World-Transforming Fatherhood
A Pastor’s Dilemma: A Study in the Challenging Terrain of 1st Corinthians
A Tribute to an Amazing Father
After the Giants Fall: A Study in Taking Hold of the Promises of God
The Agony of Gentleness: A Study in the Christian Response to Revilement
The Almighty Attitude: A Study in the Mind of Christ and the Mind of the Believer
Always the Same: A Study in the Unchanging Nature of the Almighty
Americanized: A Study in the Dangers of a Self-Centered Gospel Message
The Anatomy of Faith: A Study in the Mechanics of How Faith Works
An Exceedingly Great Army: A Study in the Supernatural Impetus Behind Spiritual Success
The Art of Shepherding : A Study in the Troublesome Yet Exhilarating Role of the Pastor
The Art of Waiting
As In The Ancient Days: A Study in the Biblical Pattern for Prayer
As the Sons of Issachar: understanding the times in which we live
At the Cave’s Mouth
The Athlete
The Audacious Ask: A Study in Making Bold Requests of God
The Auschwitz Within: A Study in the Value of the Unborn
Authority: A Study in the Legal Power of the Christian
The Band of Rescuers: A Study in the Power of Selfless Living
Battle-Forged Friendship
The Battle of Liège: Remembering His Mercy
Beautified by a Scar: A Study in the Necessity and Triumph of Suffering
Before Abraham Was: A Study in Christ’s Eternality – the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever
Being Ticklish: A Study in the Power of Holy Laughter
Betrayed With a Kiss: A Study in the Modern Attack on the Word of God
The Better Man: Deliberately Choosing to Obey
The Bewildering Death: A Study in the Awe-Inspiring Magnitude of the Cross
Blanket Carriers: A Study in a Christian’s Approach to Weakness in Others
Bleeding Hearts
Bold Steps Forward: A Study in God’s Unique Pattern for Spiritual Growth
A Bowl of Peanuts: A Study in the Action of Faith
The Bravehearted Man: A Study in the Return of Self-Sacrificing Masculinity
The Brilliance of Weakness: a study in the strange secret of spiritual strength
The Burning Heart: A Study in How to Prepare for Persecution
The Burning of Rome: A Study in the Historic Pattern for Cultural Blame-Shifting
Canon: A Study in the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Carmelized Saints: A Study in Elijah’s Approach to the Return of Rain
The Cathedral of Thought
The Center of the Center: A Study in the Single Most Important Thing … Ever
Choosing Difficulty: A Study in the Brilliance of Going it the Hard Way
Choosing the Lowly Chair
The Christian Thought Life: A Study in God’s Divine Perspective on the Human Mind
The Christian Work Ethic: A Study in God’s Divine Perspective on Hard Work
The Christian’s Kryptonite
Christophany: A Study in How the Bible is Built to Showcase Jesus
Clothed in Rainbow
Contempt for the Cool: A Study in Forsaking Popularity to Follow Jesus
The Coronation Of Napoleon
The Costly Gospel: A Study in the Free Gift that Costs us Everything
The Counter Punch: A Study in the Boxing Brilliance of the Most High God
Craving the Second Sound: An Audacious Study in Tongues and Prophecy
The Crazy Yellers
The Cry of the Roman Soldier: A Study in the Startling Faithfulness of God
A Cult Leader’s Worst Nightmare: A Study in the Strange Power of Religious Control & How to Debunk It
The Cure for Cowardice: A Study in Spiritual Boldness
The Dagger of Ehud: A Study in the Dangers of the Belly and How to Overcome It
The Dangerous Games of Dangerous Men: A Study in the Wisdom of Throwing Out Conventional Wisdom
The Dangerous Dunce Offensive
The Dangers of Gentleman Christianity: A Study in the Perils of Self-Coddling Christianity
Daring to Ask for More: A Study in the Pursuit of the Fullness that God has Promised
Davidic Love Sprinting: A Study in the Manly Pursuit of Heaven-Bred Intimacy
A Distracted Devotion: A Study in the Propensity of Pursuing the Right Thing in the Wrong Way
The Divine Appraisal: Rightly Estimating the Importance of Life
Does God Still Heal?: A Study in the Controversy of Divine Healing
Dog Piling the Devil
Dogged: Faithful To The End
Doing the Twist: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 1
Embracing the Inconvenient: A Study in Christian Rescue Work
The End of Ox Carts: calling for a radical return to radical obedience
The End Zone Celebration Dance
The Endless Life: A Study in the Fact that God’s Purposes Cannot and Will Not Be Thwarted
The Epicenter: A Study in the Centrality of Jesus and His Cross
Earnestly Desire: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 2
Escaping the Viking Stronghold: Secrets to Spiritual Freedom
The Ethics of A.I.
The Ethics of Missions: A Study in the Mandate to Seek and Save That Which is Lost
Even in the Rain
The Evil Side of Artistic: A Study in the Extreme Power and Extreme Danger of Art
The Evil Speedboats
An Exceedingly Great Army: A Study in the Supernatural Impetus Behind Spiritual Success
Extraordinary Courage: A Study in How to Suffer and Die Well for the Savior
Fact-Based Parenting: A Study in Raising Godly Children
Faith like a Fighter Pilot
The Fellowship of the Twenty-Niners
Feminine Beauty: A Study in the Profound Loveliness of Godly Womanhood
Fighting Like a Guerrilla: A Study in the Power of Bold Forward Movement
The Film Crew
The Five Arts of Intimacy: A Study in God’s Method for Building Close Fellowship
The Five Fingers
Five Smooth Stones: A Study in the Maturation and Readying of the Believer
Flipping into the Kembu Vam
The Floating Milky Way Wrapper: A Study in God’s Transforming Grace
The Focal Point
Following Jonathan: A Study in How to be Numbered Amongst the Courageous
For the Profit of All: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 4
Forsaking Those Desert Sandals
The Four Events: A Study in the Attitude Behind Victory and Breakthrough
Fretting Like Lions: Daring to Do as Stanley Dale
Friday Night in the Promised Land: A Study in Finding Fulfillment and Pleasure in Christ
The Game of Chicken
The Game on the Dangerous Edge: A Study in the Mental Sport of Joyful Suffering
Generosity: A Study in Cheerful Living
The Gentle President
Going After Revival: A Study in a Farmer’s Approach to Awakening the Church
The Gospel Worldview: A Study in the Framework of True Christian Thought
The Gospel Challenge: A Study in the Basics of a Praying and Confessing Church
Grace for Dealing With People: A Study in the Power of God to Help us Love Others as we Otherwise Could Not
Grains of Wheat: A Study in the Historic Attitude of Christian Self-Sacrifice
The Great Chase: A Study in the Role of Persecution in the Building of the Church
Gritted Teeth: A Study in Indomitable, Unshakable Faith
The Hanging of Haman: a study in God’s bewildering ability to turn travesties into triumphs
The Happy Soldier: A Study in in the Supreme Discomfort and Extreme Delight Found in Following Aggressively After Jesus Christ
The Heaven-Bred Warhorse: A Study in the Unique Military Tactic of the Cross and How We Can Wield it Today
Heavenly Affection: A Study in the Tender Love and Affections of the Body of Christ
He Does the Work: A Study in the Great Secret of Christian Action
Hero-Training: A Study in the Formation of Noble Heroism in the Church
The Historic Election: A Study in Romans Chapter Nine
Hold the Position: A Study in Mechanics of Standing Firm Amidst the Darkest Trials
Holding Onto Doggy
Holy Ground
Hopeland Security
How to Vote This November: A Study in Reasoning According to the Word of God
Humility and Hutzpah: A Study of the Holy Spirit
If God is For Us: A Study in Audacious Faith
The Impossible Life: A Study in the Power of God’s Ability to do What Man Cannot
Inalienable Rights: A Study in the Proper Handling of Rights and Power
In an Age of Shrinking Wafflers: a study in the dogged certainty and assurance of the Christian
In Christ: A Study in the Life-Transforming Effects of Faith in Jesus
Incorrigibly Cheerful: A Study in the Unconquerable Believer
In Full Assurance: A Study in the Convincing Work of the Holy Spirit
In the Wake of Columbus: A Study in God’s Profound Ability to Trump Evil with Good
Into the Savage Wilderness: A Study in the Historic Adventure-Filled Boldness of the Church
Into the Turkish Straits
I Want Double
I Want to Live Again: A Study in the Power of Hope in a Seemingly Hopeless Hour
The Job Nobody Wants
The Just Balance: A Study in the Measuring Standard of Christ
Koine Jesus: A Study in the Approachability of Christ
Land of Thorns: A Study in the Proper Appropriation of Bodily Suffering
The Last Adam: A Study in the Importance of Jesus Becoming a Man
Law and Grace: A Study in God’s Brilliant Rescue Plan Through the Cross
Laughing at the Future: A Study in the Irrepressible Joy of the Believer
The Legendmaker: Daring to Do as Stanley Dale
Lessons from the Storm
Leveling Up
Life as a Grape: A Study in the Beauty and Joy of Suffering for Christ’s Sake
Life in Secret
A Line in the Sand
The Lineage of Majesty: A Study in the Epic Beauty of Christ’s Genealogy
Living Dangerously: A Study in the Amazing Power of Purposeful Action
Living on Bread and Water: A Study in the Bondservant’s Approach to Changing the World
The Long Jump
Loving the Truth: A Study in the Decision to Follow Jesus
The Low Spot
The Lowercase “f”: A Study in the Profound Role of an Earthly Father
Made Excellent for Marriage: A Study in the Preparations for Happily-Ever-After
Made Strong: A Study in the Power of Weakness
The Majestic Jesus: A Study in the God-ness of Jesus Christ
Majesty Lost: A Study in the Need for the Return of Triumph to the Church
Making it Personal
Making Orange Juice
The Man Under the Stage: A Study in Fervent, Effectual, and Hidden Prayer
The Man Without Mixture: A Study in the Role of Purity in the Christian Life
The Marvel of the 300: A Study in the Definite and Intelligent Vow of the Believer
The Marvel of the Mundane: A Study in God’s Method for Showcasing Power
The Means of Grace: A Study in the Integrity of Faith
The Measurement of a Man: A Study in a Godly Man’s Gradients of Growth
The Measurement of a Man (revisiting a classic 13 years later)
Men Wanted: A Study of Christ’s Invitation to Pick up a Cross and Follow
Michaelangelo’s Worskhop: A Study in the Work of the Holy Spirit in Prayer
A More Excellent Way: A Study in the Power and Priority of Love
More Radical
The More Right: A Study in the Need for Spiritual Recalibration
The Most Spectacular Thought
The Mountain Country
The Muddy Paws of Brumus
My Dear Friend, Irritation: A Study in the Surprising Power of Embracing Pain
The Mystery of the Body: A Study in the Operation of the Gospel Inside a Man
The Necessity of Shade: A Study in God’s Method for Revealing the Power of the Gospel
A New Generation of Fathers: A Study of
New Rubber Boots: A Study in Spiritual Fortification
No More Guff
The Noble Brow: A Study in the Formation of a Flint-like Head
Not Just a Little
The Old Servant: A Study in the Work of the Holy Spirit
Operation WoLoGo: A Study in the Isaiah 6 Encounter With the Glory of the Almighty
Out of Ash
The Outrageous Joy of the Spittle-Faced: A Study in the Pure Joy of Earthly Trials
Overcoming Sin: A Study in the Power of the Gospel
A Pastor’s Dilemma: A Study in the Challenging Terrain of 1st Corinthians
The Patriot: A Study in the Practice of Self-Sacrifice
The Pattern Passers: A Study in the Uncomfortable Topic of Modern Apostles
The Pattern-Passers: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 5 (2023)
Play the Man
Pleasure in Weakness
The Plot Twist: A Post-Election Message
The Position of a Woman: A Study in the Beauty of the Feminine Role Within the Church
The Position of Victory: A Study in the Power of Reckoning Truth
Potato Country
The Potato Farmer: A Study in the Power of Long Patience
The Power of Tears: A Study in the Travail of the Twice-Born
The Power of the Purple Box
The Power of the Tongue: A Study in the Necessity of Coming Under the Holy Spirit’s Control
The Power of the Unremarkable: A Study in God’s Method for Showcasing the “Wow”
The Power of They: A Study in the Fear of Man as Contrasted With the Fear of God
The Power to Do It: A Study of Biblical Grace
The Power to Forgive: A Study of Christ’s Enabling Power to do What We Can’t Do
Power to Reconcile: A Study in the Ministry of Reconciliation and How it Works
The Praying Church: A Study in How to Change the World on our Knees
Preparing the Guest Room: A Study in the Purposeful Affection in the Body of Christ
The Prize Fighter: A Study in Self-Control
The Proclivity Movement
The Proving of the 300: A Study in Self-Control and the Necessity of Soul Restraint
Provision for the Impossible: A Study in the Remarkable Fatherly Care of God
Raising William Wallace: A Study of Building Boys into Men
Readied for the Crisis: A Study in Overcoming Impossible Circumstances
Readiness for Triumph
Ready and in Position: A Study in the Preparations of the Soul for Spiritual Action
Reckoning With Truth: A Study in the Action of Faith
The Redemptive Ripple
Relentless Love: A Study in the Bold Evangelistic Pursuit of Lost Souls
Remaking the Boxer
Remember When?
Removing the Old Sandals: A Study of God’s Pattern for Bringing Us Into New Things
The Return of the Ruddy Shepherd Boys: A Study in the Red of this Earth Versus the Red of Heaven
The Revealer of Secrets
The Revelation of the Mystery: A Study in the Marvel of God’s Textual
The Revolutionary: A Study in Godly Judgment and Mercy
The Roar of the Lion: tuning in to the frequency of God’s Voice
The Romance of Tribulation
Ruddy for War: A Study in Leadership Readiness
The Safe House: A Study in the Church’s Role In and Amidst Social Storms
The Second Sound: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 3
Second Wind
The Secrets of Bodily Health: A Study in the Most Profound Human Remedy Ever Discovered
The Shadow Scriptures: A Study in in the Principle of Firsts and Seconds
She Smiles
Shepherding 101: A Study in the Supremely Challenging Art of Heavenly Headship
The Shewbread: A Study in the Purpose of God in Christ
The Sign of the Man
The Simplitist: A Study in the Centrality and Preeminence of Christ
The Sin of Silence: A Study in the Confessing Church of Jesus Christ
Sitting in Your Summer Spot
Sixteen Days to Extinction : A Study in the Christian Response to Threats of Doom
The Slap
The Sleeping Savior: A Study in the Sort of Faith that Laughs When the Lights Go Out
Small and Great
Soggy Cereal
The Song of the Idiot: A Study in the Profound Beauty of Jesus Christ
Spiritual Gifts – Part 1: Doing the Twist
Spiritual Gifts – Part 2: Earnestly Desire
Spiritual Gifts – Part 3: The Second Sound
Spiritual Gifts – Part 4: For the Profit of All
Spiritual Gifts – Part 5: The Pattern-Passers
Spiritual Recalibration
Spiritualized Selfishness: A Study in the Dangers That Come When Christianity Becomes All About Self
Staring Down the Shock Troops: Daring to Do as Stanley Dale
Starting in Chapter Four: A Study in the Strange Mistakes We as Believers Often Make in Ephesians
Steeled for Action: Understanding Supernatural Resolution
The Stigma: A Study in the Requisite Foolishness of Following Christ
The Stinking Fish: A Study in the Life of a Fish-Master from Galilee
The Stones of Fire: A Study in Holy Judgment
The Strategist: Understanding God’s Amazing Military Mind
The Strategy of God: A Study in How to Engage the Spiritual Enemy and Win
Striking with the Ricasso
Strong on Paper
The Summer Spot: A Study in Minding Your Own Business
The Superhero Glasses: A Study in Viewing Difficulty Through a Heavenly Lens
Surviving the Second Cut: A Study in Enduring to the End
The Sway of They
Sweet Words Spoken
Taking the East End: A Study in the Function of Humility and Love in and Through the Body of Christ
The Agony of Gentleness: A Study in the Christian Response to Revilement
The Almighty Attitude: A Study in the Mind of Christ and the Mind of the Believer
The Anatomy of Faith: A Study in the Mechanics of How Faith Works
The Art of Shepherding : A Study in the Troublesome Yet Exhilarating Role of the Pastor
The Art of Waiting
The Athlete
The Audacious Ask: A Study in Making Bold Requests of God
The Auschwitz Within: A Study in the Value of the Unborn
The Band of Rescuers: A Study in the Power of Selfless Living
The Battle of Liège: Remembering His Mercy
The Better Man: Deliberately Choosing to Obey
The Bewildering Death: A Study in the Awe-Inspiring Magnitude of the Cross
The Bravehearted Man: A Study in the Return of Self-Sacrificing Masculinity
The Brilliance of Weakness: a study in the strange secret of spiritual strength
The Burning Heart: A Study in How to Prepare for Persecution
The Burning of Rome: A Study in the Historic Pattern for Cultural Blame-Shifting
The Cathedral of Thought
The Center of the Center: A Study in the Single Most Important Thing … Ever
The Christian Thought Life: A Study in God’s Divine Perspective on the Human Mind
The Christian Work Ethic: A Study in God’s Divine Perspective on Hard Work
The Christian’s Kryptonite
The Coronation Of Napoleon
The Costly Gospel: A Study in the Free Gift that Costs us Everything
The Counter Punch: A Study in the Boxing Brilliance of the Most High God
The Crazy Yellers
The Cry of the Roman Soldier: A Study in the Startling Faithfulness of God
The Cure for Cowardice: A Study in Spiritual Boldness
The Dagger of Ehud: A Study in the Dangers of the Belly and How to Overcome It
The Dangerous Games of Dangerous Men: A Study in the Wisdom of Throwing Out Conventional Wisdom
The Dangerous Dunce Offensive
The Dangers of Gentleman Christianity: A Study in the Perils of Self-Coddling Christianity
The Divine Appraisal: Rightly Estimating the Importance of Life
The End of Ox Carts: calling for a radical return to radical obedience
The End Zone Celebration Dance
The Endless Life: A Study in the Fact that God’s Purposes Cannot and Will Not Be Thwarted
The Epicenter: A Study in the Centrality of Jesus and His Cross
The Ethics of A.I.
The Ethics of Missions: A Study in the Christian Mandate to Seek and Save that which is Lost
The Evil Side of Artistic: A Study in the Extreme Power and Extreme Danger of Art
The Evil Speedboats
The Fellowship of the Twenty-Niners
The Five Arts of Intimacy: A Study in God’s Method for Building Close Fellowship
The Five Fingers
The Four Events: A Study in the Attitude Behind Victory and Breakthrough
The Game of Chicken
The Game on the Dangerous Edge: A Study in the Mental Sport of Joyful Suffering
The Gentle President
The Gospel Challenge: A Study in the Basics of a Praying and Confessing Church
The Gospel Worldview: A Study in the Framework of True Christian Thought
The Great Chase: A Study in the Role of Persecution in the Building of the Church
The Hanging of Haman: a study in God’s bewildering ability to turn travesties into triumphs
The Happy Soldier: A Study in in the Supreme Discomfort and Extreme Delight Found in Following Aggressively After Jesus Christ
The Heaven-Bred Warhorse: A Study in the Unique Military Tactic of the Cross and How We Can Wield it Today
The Historic Election: A Study in Romans Chapter Nine
The Impossible Life: A Study in the Power of God’s Ability to do What Man Cannot
The Job Nobody Wants
The Just Balance: A Study in the Measuring Standard of Christ
The Last Adam: A Study in the Importance of Jesus Becoming a Man
The Legendmaker: Daring to Do as Stanley Dale
The Lineage of Majesty: A Study in the Epic Beauty of Christ’s Genealogy
The Long Jump
The Low Spot
The Lowercase “f”: A Study in the Profound Role of an Earthly Father
The Majestic Jesus: A Study in the God-ness of Jesus Christ
The Man Under the Stage: A Study in Fervent, Effectual, and Hidden Prayer
The Man Without Mixture: A Study in the Role of Purity in the Christian Life
The Marvel of the 300: A Study in the Definite and Intelligent Vow of the Believer
The Marvel of the Mundane: A Study in God’s Method for Showcasing Power
The Means of Grace: A Study in the Integrity of Faith
The Measurement of a Man: A Study in a Godly Man’s Gradients of Growth
The Measurement of a Man (revisiting a classic 13 years later)
The More Right: A Study in the Need for Spiritual Recalibration
The Most Spectacular Thought
The Mountain Country
The Muddy Paws of Brumus
The Mystery of the Body: A Study in the Operation of the Gospel Inside a Man
The Necessity of Shade: A Study in God’s Method for Revealing the Power of the Gospel
The Noble Brow: A Study in the Formation of a Flint-like Head
The Old Servant: A Study in the Work of the Holy Spirit
The Outrageous Joy of the Spittle-Faced: A Study in the Pure Joy of Earthly Trials
The Patriot: A Study in the Practice of Self-Sacrifice
The Pattern Passers: A Study in the Uncomfortable Topic of Modern Apostles
The Pattern-Passers: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 5 (2023)
The Plot Twist: A Post-Election Message
The Position of a Woman: A Study in the Beauty of the Feminine Role Within the Church
The Position of Victory: A Study in the Power of Reckoning Truth
The Potato Farmer: A Study in the Power of Long Patience
The Power to Do It: A Study of Biblical Grace
The Power to Forgive: A Study of Christ’s Enabling Power to do What We Can’t Do
The Power of Tears: A Study in the Travail of the Twice-Born
The Power of the Purple Box
The Power of the Tongue: A Study in the Necessity of Coming Under the Holy Spirit’s Control
The Power of They: A Study in the Fear of Man as Contrasted With the Fear of God
The Power of the Unremarkable: A Study in God’s Method for Showcasing the “Wow”
The Praying Church: A Study in How to Change the World on our Knees
The Prize Fighter: A Study in Self-Control
The Proclivity Movement
The Proving of the 300: A Study in Self-Control and the Necessity of Soul Restraint
The Redemptive Ripple
The Return of the Ruddy Shepherd Boys: A Study in the Red of this Earth Versus the Red of Heaven
The Revealer of Secrets
The Revelation of the Mystery: A Study in the Marvel of God’s Textual Revelation
The Revolutionary: A Study in Godly Judgment and Mercy
The Roar of the Lion: tuning in to the frequency of God’s Voice
The Romance of Tribulation
The Second Sound: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 3
The Secrets of Bodily Health: A Study in the Most Profound Human Remedy Ever Discovered
The Shadow Scriptures: A Study in in the Principle of Firsts and Seconds
The Shewbread: A Study in the Purpose of God in Christ
The Sign of the Man
The Simplitist: A Study in the Centrality and Preeminence of Christ
The Slap
The Sleeping Savior: A Study in the Sort of Faith that Laughs When the Lights Go Out
The Sin of Silence: A Study in the Confessing Church of Jesus Christ
The Song of the Idiot: A Study in the Profound Beauty of Jesus Christ
The Stigma: A Study in the Requisite Foolishness of Following Christ
The Stinking Fish: A Study in the Life of a Fish-Master from Galilee
The Strategist: Understanding God’s Amazing Military Mind
The Strategy of God: A Study in How to Engage the Spiritual Enemy and Win
The Stones of Fire: A Study in Holy Judgment
The Summer Spot: A Study in Minding Your Own Business
The Superhero Glasses: A Study in Viewing Difficulty Through a Heavenly Lens
The Sway of They
The Tenor: A Study in Genuine Salvation
The Ten Simple Proofs: A Study in the Trustworthiness of the Bible
The Three-Day Test
The Tree: A Study in the Mechanics of Faith
The Twenty-Four Elders: A Study in the Authority of the 27 New Testament Books
The Twig with the Roses: A Study in the Value of Wisdom and the Importance of Vigorously Pursuing It
The Two-Party System: A Study in the Importance of Minding Your Own Business
The Two-Sided Ticket: A Study in the Father’s Loving Answer of “No”
The Two Tenors: Discerning Genuine Salvation
The Two Trees: A Study in the Anatomy of Faith
The Ultimate Action Figure: A Study in the Spiritual Importance of Being Always Ready
The Unfinished Castle
The Unfinished Task
The Unpopular Choice
The Unspeakable Name: A Study in the Name Above Every Other Name
The Vaccine Dilemma: a Christian response to the odd issues of our day
The Well-Built Home
The Well-Dressed Admiral
The Willingness to Die: A Study in the Power of Sacrifice
The Wooden Refuge
The Wrong Door
The Three-Day Test
A Tribute to an Amazing Father
Twenty-Eight Years
Two-Handed Christianity
Two Tenors: Discerning Genuine Salvation
Uglified: Unpacking the Beautiful Picture of Christ in Isaiah 53
The Ultimate Action Figure: A Study in the Spiritual Importance of Being Always Ready
The Unfinished Castle
The Unfinished Task
The Unpopular Choice
The Unspeakable Name: A Study in the Name Above Every Other Name
Upping Our Game
Upside Down Crosses: A Study in Self-Sacrificing Worship
The Vaccine Dilemma: a Christian response to the odd issues of our day
Waking the Yeti
Washing the Little Feet: A Study in the Gospel and its Passion for the Least
We Will Not Fear: A Study in Overcoming Anxiety
The Well-Built Home
The Well-Dressed Admiral
When a Pastor Lives a Double Life: A Study in How Hypocrisy Creeps into the Life of a Leader
When I am Weak: Daring to Do as Stanley Dale
When Jenny Becomes Jake
When God Says No: A Study in the Fatherhood of God
When Kings Go Forth to Battle: A Study in the Old Testament’s Revelation of the Suffering Christ
When the Soul Dreams
Who Do You Say that He Is?
Who Has Your Back?
The Willingness to Die: A Study in the Power of Sacrifice
Wilmer McLean’s Living Room: A Study in Deliberate Choice
With a Personal Touch
The Wooden Refuge
The Wrong Door