Browse sermons by DATE
2024 // 2023 // 2022 // 2021 // 2020 // 2019// 2018 // 2017 // 2016 // 2015 // 2014 // 2013// 2012// 2011// 2010
The Five Fingers (March 23)
The Romance of Tribulation (March 9)
Small and Great (February 23)
Potato Country (February 9)
Leveling Up (January 26)
The Christian’s Kryptonite (January 12)
The Fellowship of the Twenty-Niners (December 29)
The Gambōl (December 16)
The Mountain Country (December 1)
The Cathedral of Thought (November 10)
Faith like a Fighter Pilot (October 27)
The Long Jump (October 6)
The Slap (September 22)
Overpowered (September 8)
The Unpopular Choice (September 1)
Remember When? (August 4)
Dog Piling the Devil (July 21)
A Most Fantastic Event (June 9)
The Revealer of Secrets (May 12)
The Athlete (March 24)
The Power of the Purple Box (March 10)
Even in the Rain (February 18)
A Line in the Sand (February 4)
The Most Spectacular Thought (January 14)
The Ethics of A.I. (December 31)
The Unfinished Castle (December 17)
The Crazy Yellers (November 26)
The Sway of They (November 5)
Remaking the Boxer (October 22)
Not Just a Little (October 8)
At the Cave’s Mouth (September 24)
The Evil Speedboats (September 17)
Who Has Your Back? (September 10)
The Foreman’s Key (September 3)
The End Zone Celebration Dance (August 27)
The Measurement of a Man (August 6)
The Coronation Of Napoleon (July 30)
Striking with the Ricasso (July 23)
The Gentle President (July 16)
The Low Spot (July 9)
The Well-Dressed Admiral (July 2)
The Muddy Paws of Brumus (June 25)
The Game of Chicken (June 18)
Clothed in Rainbow (June 4)
Forsaking Those Desert Sandals (May 28)
Oomph (May 21)
She Smiles (May 14)
Sitting in Your Summer Spot (May 7)
When Jenny Becomes Jake (April 30)
The Redemptive Ripple (April 23)
Two-Handed Christianity (April 16)
The Three-Day Test (April 9)
Making it Personal (April 2)
The Pattern-Passers: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 5 (March 19)
For the Profit of All: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 4 (March 5)
The Second Sound: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 3 (February 19)
Earnestly Desire: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 2 (February 12)
Doing the Twist: A Study in Spiritual Gifts – Part 1 (February 5)
The Proclivity Movement (January 15)
The Wrong Door (January 8)
Twenty-Eight Years (December 11)
Holding Onto Doggy (November 27)
Hopeland Security (November 20)
The Focal Point (November 13)
Out of Ash (October 30)
Second Wind (October 23)
Waking the Yeti (October 16)
Making Orange Juice (October 9)
More Radical (October 2)
Bleeding Hearts (September 18)
Yoked Together (September 4)
The Job Nobody Wants (August 21)
Holy Ground (August 14)
Who Do You Say that He Is? (August 7)
Lessons from the Storm (July 31)
I Want Double (July 24)
The Unfinished Task (July 17)
Remember (July 10)
Inviolable (July 3)
Play the Man (Jun 19)
Strong on Paper (June 12)
The Wooden Refuge (June 5)
Into the Turkish Straits (May 29)
The Well-Built Home (May 8)
The Sign of the Man (April 17)
With a Personal Touch (March 6)
Choosing the Lowly Chair (February 27)
The Art of Waiting (February 20)
Pleasure in Weakness (February 6)
Soggy Cereal (January 30)
Sweet Words Spoken (January 16)
Life in Secret (January 9)
No More Guff (January 2)
A Tribute to an Amazing Father (December 26)
Readiness for Triumph (December 19)
Spiritual Recalibration (December 12)
The Film Crew (December 5)
Battle-Forged Friendship (November 28)
Flipping into the Kembu Vam (November 7)
Upping Our Game (October 24)
The Vaccine Dilemma – Part Three (October 17)
When the Soul Dreams (October 10)
The Vaccine Dilemma – Part Two (October 3)
When I am Weak: Daring to Do as Stanley Dale (September 26)
Staring Down the Shock Troops: Daring to Do as Stanley Dale (September 19)
Fretting Like Lions: Daring to Do as Stanley Dale (September 12)
The Legendmaker: Daring to Do as Stanley Dale (September 5)
Dogged: Faithful To The End (August 15)
Escaping the Viking Stronghold: Secrets to Spiritual Freedom (August 8)
Steeled for Action: Understanding Supernatural Resolution (July 25)
The Divine Appraisal: Rightly Estimating the Importance of Life (July 11)
The Two Tenors: Discerning Genuine Salvation (July 4)
The Battle of Liège: Remembering His Mercy (June 27)
The Better Man: Deliberately Choosing to Obey (June 20)
The Strategist: Understanding God’s Amazing Military Mind (June 13)
The End of Ox Carts: calling for a radical return to radical obedience (June 6)
The Roar of the Lion: tuning in to the frequency of God’s Voice (May 23)
As the Sons of Issachar: understanding the times in which we live (May 16)
The Vaccine Dilemma: a Christian response to the odd issues of our day (May 9)
The Brilliance of Weakness: a study in the strange secret of spiritual strength (April 18)
In an Age of Shrinking Wafflers: a study in the dogged certainty and assurance of the Christian (April 11)
The Hanging of Haman: A Study in God’s Bewildering Ability to Turn Travesties into Triumphs (April 4)
An Exceedingly Great Army: A Study in the Supernatural Impetus Behind Spiritual Success (March 28th)
Living Dangerously: A Study in the Amazing Power of Purposeful Action (March 21)
The Ultimate Action Figure: A Study in the Spiritual Importance of Being Always Ready (March 7)
Fighting Like a Guerrilla: A Study in the Power of Bold Forward Movement (February 28)
The Outrageous Joy of the Spittle-Faced: A Study in the Pure Joy of Earthly Trials (February 21)
The Dangerous Games of Dangerous Men: A Study in the Wisdom of Throwing Out Conventional Wisdom (February 14)
The Game on the Dangerous Edge: A Study in the Mental Sport of Joyful Suffering (February 6)
The Four Events: A Study in the Attitude Behind Victory and Breakthrough (January 31)
Laughing at the Future: A Study in the Irrepressible Joy of the Believer (January 24)
I Want to Live Again: A Study in the Power of Hope in a Seemingly Hopeless Hour (January 17)
The Sleeping Savior: A Study in the Sort of Faith that Laughs When the Lights Go Out (January 10)
The Potato Farmer: A Study in the Power of Long Patience (January 3)
The Superhero Glasses: A Study in Viewing Difficulty Through a Heavenly Lens (December 27)
The Willingness to Die: A Study in the Power of Sacrifice (November 29)
The Marvel of the 300: A Study in the Definite and Intelligent Vow of the Believer (November 22)
The Counter Punch: A Study in the Boxing Brilliance of the Most High God (November 15)
The Plot Twist: A Post-Election Message (November 8)
Washing the Little Feet: A Study in the Gospel and its Passion for the Least (October 25)
Sixteen Days to Extinction: A Study in the Christian Response to Threats of Doom (October 18)
Bold Steps Forward: A Study in God’s Unique Pattern for Spiritual Growth (October 11)
If God is For Us: A Study in Audacious Faith (October 4)
Removing the Old Sandals: A Study in God’s Pattern for Bringing Us Into New Things (September 27)
After The Giants Fall: A Study in Taking Hold of the Promises of God (September 20)
How to Vote This November: A Study in Reasoning According to the Word of God (September 13)
The Shadow Scriptures: A Study in in the Principle of Firsts and Seconds (September 6)
Readied for the Crisis: A Study in Overcoming Impossible Circumstances (August 23)
Surviving the Second Cut: A Study in Enduring to the End (August 16)
Choosing Difficulty: A Study in the Brilliance of Going it the Hard Way (August 9)
The Dangers of Gentleman Christianity: A Study in the Perils of Self-Coddling Christianity (July 26)
The Burning of Rome: A Study in the Historic Pattern for Cultural Blame-Shifting (July 19)
Grains of Wheat: A Study in the Historic Attitude of Christian Self-Sacrifice (July 12)
Into the Savage Wilderness: A Study in the Historic Adventure-Filled Boldness of the Church (July 5)
In the Wake of Columbus: A Study in God’s Profound Ability to Trump Evil with Good (June 28)
The Ethics of Missions: A Study in the Christian Mandate to Seek and Save That Which is Lost (June 21)
The Twig With Roses: A Study in the Value of Wisdom and the Importance of Vigorously Pursuing It (June 14)
The Safe House: A Study in the Church’s Role In and Amidst Social Storms (June 7)
Inalienable Rights: A Study in the Proper Handling of Rights and Power (May 31)
The Two-Party System: A Study in the Importance of Minding Your Own Business (May 24)
Following Jonathan: A Study in How to be Numbered Amongst the Courageous (August 25)
The Just Balance: A Study in the Measuring Standard of Christ (March 24)
The Stones of Fire: A Study in Holy Judgment (March 3)
The Strategy of God: A Study in How to Engage the Spiritual Enemy and Win (February 24)
Uglified: Unpacking the Beautiful Picture of Christ in Isaiah 53 (February 10)
The Art of Shepherding : A Study in the Troublesome Yet Exhilarating Role of the Pastor (September 2)
The Noble Brow: A Study in the Formation of the Flint-Like Forehead (September 2)
The Necessity of Shade: A Study in God’s Method for Revealing the Power of the Gospel” (August 26)
The Power of the Unremarkable: A Study in God’s Method for Showcasing the “Wow” (August 18)
Starting in Chapter Four: A Study in the Strange Mistakes Believers Often Make in Ephesians (July 22)
The Center of the Center: A Study in the Single Most Important Thing … Ever (July 8)
Preparing the Guest Room: A Study in the Purposeful Affection in the Body of Christ (June 17)
The More Right: A Study in the Need for Spiritual Recalibration (November 26)
Operation WoLoGo: A Study in the Isaiah 6 Encounter With the Glory of the Almighty (November 19)
Living on Bread and Water: A Study in the Bondservant’s Approach to Changing the World (November 12)
Carmelized Saints: A Study in Elijah’s Approach to the Return of Rain (November 5)
Going After Revival: A Study in a Farmer’s Approach to Awakening the Church (October 29)
The Secrets to Bodily Health: A Study in the Most Profound Human Remedy Ever Discovered (September 17)
The Lowercase “f”: A Study in the Profound Role of an Earthly Father (June 18)
The Dagger of Ehud: A Study in the Dangers of the Belly and How to Overcome It (June 4)
The Power of Tears: A Study in the Travail of the Twice-Born (May 24)
The Pattern Passers: A Study in the Uncomfortable Topic of Modern Apostles (April 30)
Wilmer McLean’s Living Room: A Study in Deliberate Choice (March 27)
Shepherding 101: A Study in the Supremely Challenging Art of Heavenly Headship (November 20)
The Historic Election: A Study in Romans Chapter Nine (November 13)
The Two-Sided Ticket: A Study in the Father’s Loving Answer of “No” (November 6)
He Does the Work: A Study in the Great Secret of Christian Action (October 16)
Being Ticklish: A Study in the Power of Holy Laughter (October 2)
The Floating Milky Way Wrapper: A Study in God’s Transforming Grace (September 26)
The Great Chase: A Study in the Role of Persecution in the Building of the Church (August 14)
Davidic Love Sprinting: A Study in the Manly Pursuit of Heaven-Bred Intimacy (June 12)
Blanket Carriers: A Study in a Christian’s Approach to Weakness in Others (March 6)
Land of Thorns: A Study in the Proper Appropriation of Bodily Suffering (November 8)
When God Says No: A Study in the Fatherhood of God (October 25)
Craving the Second Sound: An Audacious Study in Tongues and Prophecy (October 11)
New Rubber Boots: A Study in Spiritual Fortification (September 20)
The Position of a Woman: A Study in the Beauty of the Feminine Role Within the Church (September 13)
Relentless Love: A Study in the Bold Evangelistic Pursuit of Lost Souls (June 7)
The Gospel Challenge: A Study in the Basics of a Praying and Confessing Church (May 31)
The Power of Tears: A Study in the Travail of the Twice-Born (May 24)
The Sin of Silence: A Study in the Confessing Church of Jesus Christ (May 17)
The Stigma: A Study in the Requisite Foolishness of Following Christ (May 3)
A Bowl of Peanuts: A Study in the Action of Faith (April 12)
The Stinking Fish: A Study in the Life of a Fish-Master from Galilee (April 5)
The Bewildering Death: A Study in the Awe-Inspiring Magnitude of the Cross (March 22)
The Marvel of the Mundane: A Study in God’s Method for Showcasing Power (March 15)
A More Excellent Way: A Study in the Power and Priority of Love (March 8)
A Pastor’s Dilemma: A Study in the Challenging Terrain of 1st Corinthians (February 15)
My Dear Friend, Irritation: A Study in the Surprising Power of Embracing Pain (February 8)
The Tenor: A Study in Genuine Salvation (February 1)
The Cure for Cowardice: A Study in Spiritual Boldness (January 25)
Ruddy for War: A Study in Leadership Readiness (December 14)
Generosity: A Study in Cheerful Living (December 7)
The Praying Church: A Study in How to Change the World on Our Knees (November 30)
Humility and Hutzpah: A Study of the Holy Spirit (November 23)
Christophany: A Study in How the Bible is Built to Showcase Jesus (November 16)
Canon: A Study in the Revelation of Jesus Christ (November 2)
The Position of Victory: A Study in the Power of Reckoning Truth (October 26)
The Power to Do It: A Study of Biblical Grace (October 19)
The Two Trees: A Study in the Anatomy of Faith (October 12)
The Majestic Jesus: A Study in the God-ness of Jesus Christ (October 5)
Koine Jesus: A Study in the Approachability of Christ (September 28)
The Ten Simple Proofs: A Study in the Trustworthiness of the Bible (September 21)
Embracing the Inconvenient: A Study in Christian Rescue Work (September 14)
Heavenly Affection: A Study in the Tender Love and Affections of the Body of Christ (August 17)
Michaelangelo’s Worskhop: A Study in the Work of the Holy Spirit in Prayer (August 10)
Authority: A Study in the Legal Power of the Christian (July 27)
The Heaven-Bred Warhorse: A Study in the Unique Military Tactic of the Cross and How We Can Wield it Today (May 18)
Taking the East End: A Study in the Function of Humility and Love in and Through the Body of Christ (May 11)
Before Abraham Was: A Study in Christ’s Eternality – the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever (May 4)
The Epicenter: A Study in the Centrality of Jesus and His Cross (April 27)
The Twenty-Four Elders: A Study in the Authority of the 27 New Testament Books (March 23)
The Means of Grace: A Study in the Integrity of Faith (March 9)
The Old Servant: A Study in the Work of the Holy Spirit (February 9)
The Return of the Ruddy Shepherd Boys: A Study in the Red of this Earth Versus the Red of Heaven (January 19)
Always the Same: A Study in the Unchanging Nature of the Almighty (December 22)
The Unspeakable Name: A Study in the Name Above Every Other Name (December 15)
The Cry of the Roman Soldier: A Study in the Startling Faithfulness of God (December 8)
The Proving of the 300: A Study in Self-Control and the Necessity of Soul Restraint (November 24)
Five Smooth Stones: A Study in the Maturation and Readying of the Believer (October 20)
Loving the Truth: A Study in the Decision to Follow Jesus (October 13)
The Audacious Ask: A Study in Making Bold Requests of God (October 6)
The Revolutionary: A Study in Godly Judgment and Mercy (September 29)
The Almighty Attitude: A Study in the Mind of Christ and the Mind of the Believer (September 22)
The Shewbread: A Study in the Purpose of God in Christ (September 8)
Ready and in Position: A Study in the Preparations of the Soul for Spiritual Action (September 1)
The Revelation of the Mystery: A Study in the Marvel of God’s Textual Revelation (August 25)
The Man Without Mixture: A Study in the Role of Purity in the Christian Life (August 18)
Hold the Position: A Study in Mechanics of Standing Firm Amidst the Darkest Trials (July 7)
The Simplitist: A Study in the Centrality and Preeminence of Christ (June 16)
Power to Reconcile: A Study in the Ministry of Reconciliation and How it Works (May 26)
The Lineage of Majesty: A Study in the Epic Beauty of Christ’s Genealogy (April 28)
The Last Adam: A Study in the Importance of Jesus Becoming a Man (April 13)
The Power of They: A Study in the Fear of Man as Contrasted With the Fear of God (April 7)
The Endless Life: A Study in the Fact that God’s Purposes Cannot and Will Not Be Thwarted (March 31)
In Full Assurance: A Study in the Convincing Work of the Holy Spirit (February 17)
The Tree: A Study in the Mechanics of Faith (December 16)
Law and Grace: A Study in God’s Brilliant Rescue Plan Through the Cross (November 25)
We Will Not Fear: A Study in Overcoming Anxiety (November 4)
The Five Arts of Intimacy: A Study in God’s Method for Building Close Fellowship (October 21)
The Gospel Worldview: A Study in the Framework of True Christian Thought (October 7)
Men Wanted: A Study of Christ’s Invitation to Pick up a Cross and Follow (September 23)
Raising William Wallace: A Study of Building Boys into Men (September 16)
A Cult Leader’s Worst Nightmare: A Study in the Strange Power of Religious Control and How to Debunk It (September 2)
The Agony of Gentleness: A Study in the Christian Response to Revilement (August 26)
Life as a Grape: A Study in the Beauty and Joy of Suffering for Christ’s Sake (August 12)
Grace for Dealing With People: A Study in the Power of God to Help us Love Others as we Otherwise Could Not (July 29)
The Patriot: A Study in the Practice of Self-Sacrifice (July 22)
Who is This Jesus?: A Study in the Divine Majesty of Christ (July 15)
Made Strong: A Study in the Power of Weakness (July 8)
The Power to Forgive: A Study of Christ’s Enabling Power to do What We Can’t Do (July 1)
A Distracted Devotion: A Study in the Propensity of Pursuing the Right Thing in the Wrong Way (June 17)
The Impossible Life: A Study in the Power of God’s Ability to do What Man Cannot (May 13)
Americanized: A Study in the Dangers of a Self-Centered Gospel Message (May 6)
When a Pastor Lives a Double Life: A Study in How Hypocrisy Creeps into the Life of a Leader (April 29)
Contempt for the Cool: A Study in Forsaking Popularity to Follow Jesus (April 22)
The Bravehearted Man: A Study in the Return of Self-Sacrificing Masculinity (April 15)
Overcoming Sin: A Study in the Power of the Gospel (April 8)
When Kings Go Forth to Battle: A Study in the Old Testament’s Revelation of the Suffering Christ (April 1)
The Burning Heart: A Study in How to Prepare for Persecution (March 11)
The Prize Fighter: A Study in Self-Control (February 26)
The Power of the Tongue: A Study in the Necessity of Coming Under the Holy Spirit’s Control (February 19)
The Evil Side of Artistic: A Study in the Extreme Power and Extreme Danger of Art (February 12)
The Band of Rescuers: A Study in the Power of Selfless Living (January 15)
Incorrigibly Cheerful: A Study in the Unconquerable Believer (January 8)
Spiritualized Selfishness: A Study in the Dangers That Come When Christianity Becomes All About Self (January 1)
The Christian Thought Life: A Study in God’s Divine Perspective on the Human Mind (November 27)
Provision for the Impossible: A Study in the Remarkable Fatherly Care of God (November 13)
In Christ: A Study in the Life-Transforming Effects of Faith in Jesus (October 23)
The Anatomy of Faith: A Study in the Mechanics of How Faith Works (October 9)
Fact-Based Parenting: A Study in Raising Godly Children (September 18)
A New Generation of Fathers: A Study of World-Transforming Fatherhood (August 28)
The Summer Spot: A Study in Minding Your Own Business (August 11)
Beautified by a Scar: A Study in the Necessity and Triumph of Suffering (July 24)
The Song of the Idiot: A Study in the Profound Beauty of Jesus Christ (July 17)
The Christian Work Ethic: A Study in God’s Divine Perspective on Hard Work (June 26)
Feminine Beauty: A Study in the Profound Loveliness of Godly Womanhood (May 8)
Gritted Teeth: A Study in Indomitable, Unshakable Faith (May 1)
As In The Ancient Days: A Study in the Biblical Pattern for Prayer (April 17)
Made Excellent for Marriage: A Study in the Preparations for Happily-Ever-After (April 10)
Betrayed With a Kiss: A Study in the Modern Attack on the Word of God (March 6)
Upside Down Crosses: A Study in Self-Sacrificing Worship (February 20)
The Man Under the Stage: A Study in Fervent, Effectual, and Hidden Prayer (February 6)
The Auschwitz Within: A Study in the Value of the Unborn (January 16)
The Mystery of the Body: A Study in the Operation of the Gospel Inside a Man (January 11)
Does God Still Heal?: A Study in the Controversy of Divine Healing (December 12)
Daring to Ask for More: A Study in the Pursuit of the Fullness that God has Promised (December 5)
Friday Night in the Promised Land: A Study in Finding Fulfillment and Pleasure in Christ (November 14)
Reckoning With Truth: A Study in the Action of Faith (October 31)
Extraordinary Courage: A Study in How to Suffer and Die Well for the Savior (October 17)
Hero-Training: A Study in the Formation of Noble Heroism in the Church (September 5)
Majesty Lost: A Study in the Need for the Return of Triumph to the Church (August 8)
The Measurement of a Man: A Study in a Godly Man’s Gradients of Growth (August 1)
The Costly Gospel: A Study in the Free Gift that Costs us Everything (July 18)